Chapter 1 - First Day

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Just so you guys know all the characters forgot everything! Also whenever you see ' '  it means that the person is thinking not speaking.

POV ☽Catnap☾


Uggh that annoying alarm. I swear I'm going to break that thing one day, why is it even going off? Whatever I'll just sleep a little longer... 20 minutes go by.

Wait a second... don't I have school today? I get up annoyed and look at my calendar on my wall. I look and see the date is the today for when school starts, I walk down stairs annoyed knowing that I have to start going to school everyday now. I stretch and make myself some breakfast, I grab some cereal and start eating. After I finished eating I got up and went to go get dressed. School starts at 8 AM but it's already 8:23, whatever I don't really care if I'm late or not. After getting dressed I grab my keys and get in my car. (He drives a Ford Mustang 😭)

After about 15 minutes of driving I get to the school, I headed inside I pulled out my phone. 'hmmm 1034 where is that?' I look around and I'm completely lost... This place is so dam big. I look around and see 2 random people, I try to ask them for help but they were facing the other direction so they didn't notice me. I tap the green one on the shoulder and she turns around, "Excuse me? Oh hello is there something you need?" the green bunny says. I hold out my phone and point to the number 1034. "Oh! Room 1034 is down this hallway, take a left once you get to the end and it'll be on your right." the bunny said. 'Finally took this girl long enough jeez' I thought while starting to walk to the direction she told me.

"What was with that guy?" the red bear whispered, "I don't know, he looked so annoyed. What a prick." the green bunny whispered back. 'I can still hear you. Fucking assholes.' I then flipped them off while going around the corner. 'hmmm she said it was somewhere around here...' I looked around and finally found the classroom. I opened the door and walked in, everyone stopped and looked at me then the teacher spoke. "Ah, Catnap it's nice for you to join us. You are late you know?" Miss Delight said. I rolled my eyes and walked in while closing the door behind me. "Well students this is Catnap, our newest student. This is his first time here so I want you all to treat him with kindness, he also can't talk so I want you guys to be a little more understanding of him. Why don't you take a seat next to Dogday?" Miss Delight said while pointing at an orange dog in the back of the room. 'I have to sit next to a dog? I can't wait for this class to end.'

I walk to the seat and the dog next to me spoke, "Hello! I'm Dogday! I heard you were Catnap? I hope we can be friends!" Dogday spoke while smiling. 'Annoying dog.' I ignore her and put my head in my arms. 'I'm too dam tired for this shit' I thought as I go to sleep. Dogday's smile slowly turned into a frown as she saw that Catnap was annoyed by her. Miss Delight kept talking about english stuff while Catnap fell deeper into his sleep. Quite a lot of time has passed and it's already time for lunch, Catnap was still sound asleep as the bell went off. "Hey look, the new guy already fell asleep." Picky said, "Look at his ears." Bunzo stated. "And his tail." Huggy added. "Let's prank him." Picky said while grinning, "Let's just go to lunch." Bunzo said while pulling Picky outside. Everyone followed Bunzo out and they all went to a different class to eat their lunch. Dogday stayed in the class because she was worried about Catnap, but she didn't want to wake him up so she just sat next to him and quietly ate her lunch.

'God... it's been so longggg. Is this class over yet? I fell asleep for I don't know how long.' I got up and saw the classroom empty. 'Shit did I sleep through the whole school day??' I was still a little dazed from waking up. "Looks like you are awake, did you bring your lunch?" Dogday said, 'JESUS WHAT THE FUCK' I thought while I flinched at her voice. I didn't realize she was right next to me, jesus how long was she there for...

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