Chapter 2 - Conflicting Café

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POV ☽Catnap☾

'God could Kicken be any more annoying?' I thought as I followed him outside the class. I tapped Kicken on the shoulder and type on my phone, "Do we really have to go now? I'm tired and wanted to take a nap." "Catnap you literally sleep all day..." Kicken responded while sighing.

'I don't sleep all day? I've gotten up at least once to get snacks before. That's something... right?' I thought as I continued to follow Kicken, Bubba stopped every now and then to look around and take in the scenery. I mean I can't blame him, it looked amazing outside. "We are almost there guys, just a little longer." Kicken said. I didn't realize at first but this place looks familiar... something about this street look annoyingly familiar. "Here you go guys! The Coffee Café!" Kicken yelled while posing, 'Wait... Coffee? I'm starting to enjoy this hangout.'

I love coffee its sooooo goooood, so if this place is called Coffee Café they must have good coffee but I'll be the judge of that. All 3 of us walked in the café and looked around. It looked like any other café, it was a lot more cozy though. They had nice seats and a cabin-like aesthetic, it also smelled like vanilla for some reason? I mean it's a café so there are a lot of good smells in here. Hmmm this place feels way more familiar now... have I been here before or something? "Welcome! Would you guys like a table?" A waitress greeted us, "Oh! Yes of course. Party of 3?" Kicken responded.

"Right this way." the waitress said before showing us to a table. They had the nice sofa-like seats, this place feels so nice... I need to start coming here more. "You look comfortable Catnap." Bubba said while smiling, I nodded my head in agreement. I mean I can't lie, this place is awesome. "Let's see what they have." Kicken said while picking up the menu, "Woah they have all sorts of coffee!" Bubba said while looking down the list. They weren't lying they had so many different coffee's, not to mention all the food they had as well. I looked down the list and saw a million different drinks, I decided to get an espresso while Kicken and Bubba got a mocha. Bubba decided to also order a "Chocolate Delight" we don't know what it is but anything with chocolate has to be good.

"Hello! I'll be your- Kicken?" the waitress spoke, "What? Oh, Dogday! I didn't know you worked here?" Kicken responded. "Yeah I work here I'm just a waitress though. I'm glad I'm serving you guys today! You have no idea how much I've been through, the customers here are so mean. Also hello Bubba and... Catnap?" Dogday said while tilting her head, "I didn't think you would actually go with these guys." Dogday continued. I took out my phone and typed "I was forced."

Dogday giggled and then stood straight, "Well what can I get you guys?" "I'll get a mocha." Kicken said, "I'll get a mocha as well, and could I also get a Chocolate Delight?" Bubba asked, "Yes of course! What about you Catnap?" Dogday asked while smiling. I showed her the menu and pointed to the espresso. "The espresso?" Dogday asked, I nodded and she smiled. "Alright is that everything?" She asked, "Yes, thank you!" Kicken replied. "Ok, I'll be right back." she said as she left.

After a bit of waiting Dogday came back with their drinks and food. "Here you guy-" Dogday spoke before tripping on Catnap's tail and falling, spilling the drinks all over Catnap. "Owww... OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY! I DIDN'T SEE YOU I'M SO SORRY! IT'S MY FAULT SO SO SO SOOOOO SORRY!" Dogday said with a scared look. Everyone in the café stopped and looked at them. Catnap stood up with a annoyed and pissed face, 'Oh my god, he's going to kill me.' Dogday thought. Catnap then pulled his fist back and... held his hand out? Dogday looked confused but then grabbed his hand, he pulled her back up on her feet. "I'm so sorry..." Dogday said with a frown while looking down, she looked so embarrassed.

'Honestly I'm not that mad. Yeah it sucks that drinks were spilt on me but I'm just glad this clumsy dog is ok. She is so going to pay for this jacket though.' After helping her up I crouched down and grabbed the broken pieces. Dogday ran and went to get paper towels, she then crouched down next to me and started cleaning up the mess. After a few seconds we cleaned up the mess, "I'm still so sorry. I didn't mean to, I should've watched where I was going." she said with a frown. "haha, what a stupid dog. Look at her... she can't even do her job right." a random person mumbled from the table next to us. I turned to see the person who would say something like that. I looked at the man that was laughing with his friends, then I looked over to Dogday again and saw her face.

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