Chapter Four

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{Chapter Four}

Side note: Any feedback or advice you have is greatly appreciated and encouraged.

(Clint Barton's Perspective)

As we trudge through the snow with our heads bowed, the small girl clung to my side as if to bury herself away from the world. Natasha lingered behind us, eyeing her warily with confusion. Catching her eye, I signal with my own that everything is okay.

She immediately reverts back to watching her, but this time, with less caution and more awkwardness.

No one spoke a word as the wind continued to howl through the night. Once we found ourselves in the familiar snow clearing to which Nat and I had landed in, I stopped walking.

"Okay, we're here."

I spoke loudly above the howling. The girl turned her head to meet my gaze and I noticed her panic filled eyes. I immediately crouched to her height and took her small, delicate hands into mine.

"I need to signal for help to come. You need to stay here with Nat."

Her eyes flickered to Natasha, who stood to the side with her arms folded, shielding the cold. When they returned to his face, she gave him a slight nod, sliding her hands out of his and hesitantly trudging over to Natasha quietly.

Standing up, I watched Nat step forward and wrap her arms around the young girl's hunched shoulders with care. I smiled to her, and then proceeded to pull the small flare gun from my right boot and angle it towards the open sky. As I pulled the trigger, the flare lit up in the blackened sky, bright sparks of reds and oranges stunning the air.

Once the flare's spark began to lose its light, I walked back towards the girls and waited for the sound. It was only a few moments until the quinjet's buzzing was heard faintly in the wind. Unable to land, the jet's ladder rolled down to meet us.

Nudging Natasha to go first, I held onto the young girl's arm and urged her to follow Nat up the ladder.

"You'll be fine" I yell over the roar of the jet.
She nods quickly and begins scaling the ladder with Nat ahead and myself following closely behind. Once we all made it to the top, we entered the jet and sighed with relief at the warmth that flowed through the aircraft.

As Natasha stalked over to the pilots, I marched over to the top cabins and pulled out a few oversized blankets.

Laying some on the ground by the window where the girl stood peering down, I began to wrap the extra blankets around her shoulders, sitting her down beside him.

Handing her a pair of woollen socks stored on board for cold climates, I watch as she slips them onto her red, swollen feet.

"Now that the adventure's over.." I joked, earning a small smile from the young girl and a scoff from Nat who listened from the other side of the jet, "Will you tell me your name?"

Her eyes fell to the ground, searching for a response. My smile lowered slightly at her apprehension, but I patiently waited for her none the less. Shortly, she raised her head again and her lips parted as she whispered her reply.

(Rose's Perspective)

"He called me Jane... But I think it might have been Rose." I whisper nervously.

Avoiding their gaze, I notice there immediate silence. I become aware that Nat has knelt down next to us, and I sense her understanding. She shares a look with the man, but then turns to face away. The man shuffles slightly closer next to me and he reaches to hold my chin, but I flinch away.

Observing my obvious fear, he retracts his hand and murmurs; "My name is Clint, and that", he points, "is Natasha. We are special agents and we are going to help you."

Lifting my head higher, I give a slight smile of gratitude; it's hard to smile when I have seen so much pain. Smiling widely at me, Clint leaps into a story of one of his great missions with Natasha, which entertains me the entire trip.

Between Clint's childlike excitement and Natasha's sarcastic comments, the storytelling took my mind off everything and, for one moment, I forgot everything and simply enjoyed the company and sense of safety these two complete strangers brought me.


(Natasha Romanoff's Perspective)

Landing onto the tarmac of SHIELD headquarters, Clint and I led Rose through the doors to meet the Director. I had noticed something oddly familiar about Rose on our journey; it was clear she had come from horrible circumstances, but it had also occurred to her that Rose had a sort of endearing quality about her.

Her eyes were intrigued listening to Clint's stories, and her face reminded her of a young pup eager to learn everything she can about the world.

But the cut on her lip and bruised cheek told me she had been through worse trouble.

As we began walking into the helipad, Rose held onto Clint's wrist, shielding her body from those whom we passed. I empathised with her, only I understand the look in her eyes which mirrored my own as a child; trapped in the red room and forcibly trained. I only hoped that things would turn out better for her. No one deserved what they had put me through.

Shaking the thoughts from my mind, I marched forward to meet Agent Hill and Director Fury, who stood at the end of the hallway. Upon already filling in Fury on the journey back, the Director eyed Rose curiously.

"Hello Miss Rose. I'm Director Fury, it is a pleasure to meet you." He smiled politely.

Rose peered out from under Clint's arm and nodded silently, accepting his welcome.

"If you don't mind, we are going to clean you up and provide you a room to stay in, would you like to follow Agent Hill please" He gestured to Hill who curtly nodded and started off toward the elevator.

Rose looked to Clint who nodded encouragingly, then to me. Replying with a soft smile, Rose stepped away from Clint's protection and politely followed Agent Hill into the elevator.

As she turns around, her eyes scan each of us with innocence and uncertainty. And, as the elevator doors closed upon them, I felt the same feeling I had on the quinjet; that need to protect her from the world.

I heaved a tiresome sigh, then went off to change out of my suit.


(Rose's Perspective)

Sitting on the edge of the bed; the pale blue blanket tucked neatly around it, I waited nervously for Clint and Natasha to return. I had been bathed, clothed and fed generously, though my stomach couldn't take it and I threw up, and now I sat waiting in my room, alone.

I hated to be alone, not when I had just begun to feel a sense of security with my new friends, if I can call them that, I wondered.

My mind wandered relentlessly at all I had experienced in the past few hours. My feet dangling over the edge of the bed; a bed that was so soft and warm, that I could almost curl up right now and drift into a dreamless sleep.

But, I knew I wouldn't sleep a wink until I saw Clint and Natasha again.

Suddenly, the door slide open, revealing a very excited Clint who walked quickly towards me and sat on the bed with me. His beaming smile brought a small smile onto my own face, while the Director came towards us.

Clearing his throat, Director Fury stood directly before me. Rising to my feet, I faced him and waited for his questioning, but what came out had taken her aback.

"Is there anything else you would like?" He politely inquired.

Images scattered through my mind at this question, and I immediately blurted the lingering question I had been asking since as long as I can remember.

"Can you tell me where my parents are?" I asked, eyes wide and hopeful.

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