Chapter Sixteen

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{Chapter Sixteen}

Side note: any feedback or advice you have is greatly appreciated and encouraged.


(Steve's Perspective)

The taxi ride to the retirement home was silent. Rose sat beside me staring out the window, her expression looking miles away.

There was nothing I could say.
I was at a loss for words.

My hands fidget nervously in my lap as we get closer and closer.

When the car finally pulls up out the front of the home, I step out of the car and hold the door open for Rose who slides out after me.

Taking a deep breath, I stretch out my arm as Rose reaches for my hand.
Crouching down to her height, I place my hands lightly over her shoulders.

"You ready?" I whisper.

Rose lifts her gaze to mine and nods silently.

Then we start to head inside.

Standing outside Peggy's room, I turn around to face Rose who is hidden behind me.

"Rose" I murmur, "Just remember, it's been over 60 years since you have seen your mother. She going to look much different from what you remember.

And because she's very old, she is also very sick. Your mother has Alzheimer's disease so sometimes she won't remember where she is. You need to be very patient with her okay?"

Rose may be young, but her eyes show wise understanding that is way beyond her years. It reminded me of how much she has seen and how that changes a person.

I understood what this kind of thing can do to you.

Rose knocked me out of my thoughts as she held onto my arm and gave me a reassuring squeeze.

After a brief pause, I push the door open.

(Rose's Perspective)

When those men took me, I thought I would never get home. I thought I would never see my parents again, so I cherished my last moments with them.

But now, standing at the foot of the bed, looking at my mother once again, I feel like I'm back in my bedroom with my mother brushing my hair. I suddenly felt so much smaller.

When my eyes locked with my mother's, my breath was knocked out of me.

My eyes become blurry with tears that threatened to fall and my hands shake violently.

Her eyes.

Her expression, though worn with age, held the same motherly feeling that was impossible to forget.

Her once beautiful brown hair was now grey, but it still curled at the ends like it always had.

At first, she hadn't seen me hidden behind Steve.

Her eyes lit up when she saw him. It was a look I hadn't seen before, but I recognised it straight away.

It was the look of two people who were in love.

"Hello Steve" she croaked out with a soft smile.

"Hey Peg" Steve answered as he sat down by her side in the chair left near the bed.

"I know it's been a while, but I thought I'd bring you a little surprise."

Steve turned to me and gave me a small nod.

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