Chapter Twenty-Two

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{Chapter Twenty-Two}

Side note: any feedback or advice you have is greatly appreciated and encouraged.


* Present Day *

(Rose's Perspective)

The only sound that filled the silence was the fluttering of my own heart, beating in time with my worries.

My mother. Beat. Steve. Beat. Clint. Beat. Natasha. Beat. Me. Beat.

I was interrupted by the homecare worker gesturing for us to go through.

As the sliding doors opened, I reach out for Steve's hand. His hand squeezed mine.

The corridors felt a lot more threatening after my return from the surprise mission I found myself caught up in. Each doorway sent my heart racing a little faster, fearing that someone would jump out and shoot at us.

I swallowed back the fear, hiding it from Steve. I didn't want him knowing how much trouble I had gotten in.
When we reached the right door, Steve pauses, his hand hovering over the handle.

This time, I squeeze his hand for support.

He glances over to me, his expression solemn. Then he breathes, pulling the door open for both of us to step inside.

(Steve's Perspective)

She looked much worse.

Her skin was paler than usual, her eyes dull. There we numerous tubes hooked up to her, an IV bag in the corner next to a monitor.

The table next to her bed was full of medication bottles.

It was true. She was dying and we couldn't do anything to stop it.

We walked over to the edge of the bed.
I pulled up the chair next to her while Rose stood behind it.

Her eyelids were heavily, as if fighting their own battle to stay awake.

Gently pushing the strands of hair out of her face, I whisper to her.

"Hey Peg, how's my best girl?"

Her eyes found their way to mine, full of love and sincerity.

"Is that you Steve?" She croaks, her voice worn.

"I'm right here." I soothe.

"I know it's hard for you, Peg." My voice breaks at her name, "But I wanted to tell you how much you mean to me, you are the love of my life. And not a day goes by where I don't feel like the luckiest guy alive for getting the chance to know you. You deserve the world and more. I just wish I had been there to live life with you."

"Steve..." Peggy sighs.

"I love you Peggy. I love you more than words can imagine, more than anything. And just when I thought it was impossible to love you more than I do, I finally get to meet Rose."

My eyes flicker over to where Rose stands trembling. Her eyes glistening with tears that she tries to hold back.

Lifting one arm, I reach out to Rose.

After a moment, she crumbles into my arms and I pull her close so that Peggy and I can hold her.

"You did a great job with her Peg, she's a real sweetheart just like her mother." I murmur, the tears brimming over my eyes and blurring my vision.

Peggy's frail arms rest on my arm and Rose's. Her eyes saddened as ours are.

Rose buries her head into her arm, her sobs barely audible.

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