Chapter Nine

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{Chapter Nine}

Side note: any feedback or advice you have is greatly appreciated and encouraged.

(Steve's Perspective)

Pacing back and forth outside the doorway, I wait anxiously for Fury and Agent Hill to return. I couldn't go back there. I couldn't look at her.

What am I going to do?

Moments later Fury and Hill rounded the corner and headed towards me. Stopping in my tracks, I look to them for confirmation.

Hill doesn't say a word, but from the look in her eyes, I knew my thoughts were confirmed.

She had to be my daughter.

Gesturing towards a separate door further down the hallway, Fury leads us in.

The room is a sterile white, a large window on the left, giving us a clear image of Rose's small figure huddled on the bed in the corner her room.

"Rogers you need to stay here. We don't want any trouble from you." Fury commands.

I simply nod, knowing my presence would just complicate everything.

Leaning my arms over the switchboard, I focus on the window as the others walk out.

Minutes later they appear through the window. When Rose looks up to them, I look away. Just looking into her eyes sent waves of uncontrollable emotions tumbling through my head. It was better this way.

I watch intently at the scene that unfolds before my very eyes.

(Rose's Perspective)

"Rose" The Director spoke with as much care and concern as he could muster.

His broad stance intimidated me but his eye patch sparked curiosity. I listened to him carefully, fearful of what he might say.

"Rose." He began again, "We've been looking through your family history, trying to piece together all the events that have occurred. And we've made quite an extraordinary discovery."

I held my breath.

"So it turns out that your mother, Peggy Carter, was an agent for the Strategic Scientific Reserve back in the days before SHIELD was created. And it appears your father, Daniel Sousa, married your mother in 1946, when you were two."

My eyebrows perked up.

How could this be?

Fury continued, "We have been cross checking information to make sure our theories were correct. Rose, you survived being trapped in an ice capsule because you have traces of the 'super soldier serum' in your DNA."

"But how?" I interrupted with confusion.

"Your mother was known to have had a relationship with Captain America back in the 40's. From what we can see, you may have been the product of that relationship."

"Are you saying...?" I whispered.

Agent Hill interjected me,
"Captain America is your biological father."

My eyes widened with shock, my lips parted as air escaped my lips.
Captain America?

My father is Captain America?

Then it hit me. That's why I never had much in common with my father. I had always wondered why my eyes were blue and my hair was blonde. I guess all this time I had just dismissed it.

No one spoke a word after that. They just stared at me, analysing my reaction.

I turned away from them so they couldn't see my face.

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