Chapter Twelve

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{Chapter Twelve}

I know I know, the long awaited chapter has finally been added!

Side note: any feedback or advice you have is greatly appreciated and encouraged.

(Rose's Perspective)

Ripped from the chair and dragged to the darkest corner of the room, I listen intently to the sound of the elevator hum louder and louder.

The men spread apart, hiding out of sight from the elevator's doors. The man who clasped his iron grip around my forearms stood behind me, silent and menacing.

My heart beat thumped with urgency as we all waited in tense silence.

Eyes darting to every person in the room, I lock eyes with the man in charge, his sharp look causing me to physically shrink back.

As the elevator doors begin to slide apart, I hold my breath.

What could be coming?

The elevator dings as the doors widen, revealing a stunned looking Captain America, clad in his suit and his shield raised. The sight of his determined stance instinctively made me jerk forward in attempt to reach him.

But the hands that bound me to the corner of the room were unforgiving and dragged me back, one hand clamped over my mouth to silence me.

Struggling to remain hidden, I wriggle and twist in the hands of my captor. Breathing heavily, I watch the scene unfold right in front of me with nervous tension.

Steve takes cautious but defensive steps forward into the building; the only one in sight being the man in charge. I watch as Steve approaches him, his eyes narrowed and his jaw taut.

"Where is she?"
He says in a low tone laced with anger.

Letting out a dark snicker, the man inches closer and closer to Steve.

"Now now, let's not get ahead of ourselves."

Steve visibly stiffens, lifting his shield and readjusting his grip.

"Where is she?" He repeats louder than before.

I try to call out to him, but the man's large hand captures all sound. Twisting more violently in his arms, I try to obtain Steve's attention, but his focus is on the man standing in front of him.

As I blink I almost miss seeing Steve lunge forward and throw the first punch. My heart leaps in my chest as I watch the two men from opposite corners creep forward into Steve's line of sight.

Noticing the extra men now appearing into the light of the room, Steve's face hardens as he prepares to toss his shield. The battle breaks out as the remaining four men who hide in the shadows spring out and launch their attack.

The only man not involved now is the man who still traps me in his grasp.

My eyes dance between the men as they each attempt to knock down Steve.

Men are thrown against the wall to my left as Steve takes down each one at a time.

As the men slowly get up and strike again, my initial panic increases with each fatal hit.

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