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Side note: all the events and characters are either taken from MARVEL or fictionally created by myself. Please do not copy any ideas without permission.


It was almost a month after the battle against HYDRA when Agent Carter began to feel the weight of her loss. The Captain was gone and behind he had left a powerful legacy. The memories haunt her every day, nights especially; but she was slowly coming to terms with what happened, slowly.

After a previous wave of sickness that rushed over her, Agent Carter decided it was time to find out what was wrong. The emotional trauma of losing Steve had hit her hard; as it had for many of Steve's close comrades in battle, but for Carter it brought with it terrible fatigue and nausea.

Sitting inside the quiet doctor's office, Carter bit her lip in anxiety. She was not one to show her fear, but without Steve's playful banter, she felt extremely unlike herself. The doctor entered the room with a grim expression. His brows were furrowed and his neck was strained.

Clearing his throat loudly, she allowed herself to look into his eyes as she shifted impatiently, waiting for him to begin speaking.


Agent Carter flinched, no one used her name since the incident; it brought about a sense of vulnerability for Carter. The doctor continued none-the-less, softness in his tone.

"Upon the tests we have conducted, it seems to me that you are pregnant."

Sucking in a sharp breath, her eyes welled up in tears that spilled down her cheeks, smearing her makeup slightly. Lip quivering, she looked down to her hands which noticeably shook as she let out a strained cry.

"Oh Steve..." Her cries never grew louder, but they didn't soften either. Cradling her face in her hands, Agent Carter cried until the tears ran out, and there was nothing left, but a woman mourning her loss and a doctor sympathetically comforting her as best as he could, given the circumstances.

-1956- (Rose's Perspective)

The shrill cry of my mother made my head snap up from my book which I had been reading with immense fascination.

"Yes Mother?" I called back, however I could hear her footsteps echoing up the staircase before I finished talking.
Softly closing my book and placing it on the desk to the left of my bed, I look up towards my bedroom door and observe quietly as my mother enters the room immediately. I look up at her questioningly, waiting for her to speak. Her chestnut curls were pinned back, signalling to me that she was leaving shortly.

"I have to go out tonight. Could you please go out and buy some flowers for me? Your father will be home shortly and he will join me, so you get the house to yourself tonight." Watching her smirk at my obvious excitement at the thought of spending the night reading without interruption, she handed me some money which I took graciously.

"Of course, I could do it now if you like." She gave that appreciative smile which I had grown to love. Taking a step towards me, I watch her disapproving eye scan over the mess of hair that lay tangled down my shoulders. Reaching for the brush that lay atop of the desk, she carefully sat on the edge of my floral bedspread and began softly brushing through my golden curls, creating two pigtails that hung over my shoulders.

"You're beautiful you know that?" She murmured.

"Only because you always remind me" I playfully laughed.

The smile growing larger across her face, she enveloped me into her arms. I leaned into her embrace and closed my eyes. Here I felt at peace with my mother, who I loved more than anything in the entire world.

After a moment we both stood up and I snatched my coat from the chair that sat at my desk, and followed her down the stairs towards the door. Inserting the money into my pocket, I quickly embraced my mother as she kissed my cheek. Slipping on my winter boots, I unlock the front door and begin making my way towards the little flower shop a couple streets away.

Turning back to face the doorway, my curls whipping against my face, I wave goodbye to my mother who stood there waiting until I was out of sight to shut the door and get ready. Facing forward I began my walk down the street, the sun turning a pale gold as it slowly lowered over the horizon.

It was only a short while later, that I was out of the flower shop, an assortment of brightly coloured flowers in hand, making my way back home. The sun had almost set, leaving the sky a pastel pink.

That's when I heard it. The sound of heavy footsteps growing louder and closer with each step of my own sent my heart racing and my palms sweating. Quickening my pace, I rushed in fear to avoid what echoed behind me.

Suddenly a large hand clamped onto my shoulder, roughly spinning me around to face the figures behind me. There were three of them, each looking rough and frightening, towering above me tyrannically. I tried to scream but a hand held my mouth shut, sending panic through my body.

I was heaved sharply over one of their shoulders, arms restricted and vision blocked. Tears welled up in my eyes as I struggled to escape their ever-tightening grip on me. I was carried into a large darkened room with a single light that flickered occasionally. Two men locked onto my arms either side, I was placed on the floor, where I stood before a strange man whose beady eyes bore into mine.

"Is this her?" His voice was deep and menacing, causing shivers down my spine.

The man to my left spoke up, making my flinch. "Yes. This is Peggy's daughter."

My eyes widened. Who were these men? How did they know my mother?
The beady eyed man took a step closer, to which I tried to retreat but the men had me locked firmly into position.
"Perfect. If she's anything like her father, she will do very nicely." My body stiffened at this statement. What did they know about my father? He was just a regular business man, was I like him at all?

My father had dark, jet black hair.

Mine was golden.

His eyes were green. Mine were blue.

I liked to read and paint. He only worked and discussed current events.

We had nothing in common, sometimes I wondered if we were even related.

I was shaken out of my thoughts when I was suddenly shoved backwards, being dragged towards a capsule-like box. One of the men opened it, letting out icy waves of cool air that hit me sharply, creating goosebumps up my arms. The closer I was shoved towards the capsule, the more I realised what was happening.
I began resisting as hard as I could, fear evident in my eyes. But no matter what I tried, they overpowered me and in no time I was thrown against the stone cold box. The men latched onto my shoulders, lifting my into the ice box. Once the ice hit my back, I began to feel completely numb. Teeth chattering, I was strapped into the box tightly as the cold air surrounded me, making it hard to breathe. The door was shut on me, the only light entering from the small window that lined up with my eyes.

I watched wide eyed at the men who stared from outside the box, as my vision clouded with dark spots and I lost feeling from the neck down. Lungs aching, my breaths were shallow and slow, drifting away as my vision wavered until it fell into a pit of darkness, cutting off all of my senses.

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