Chapter Thirteen

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{Chapter Thirteen}

Side note: any feedback or advice you have is greatly appreciated and encouraged.


(Rose's Perspective)

Held firmly in the grip of the man in charge, I swayed and rocked dangerously close to the windows edge.

The only thing holding me in place and out of the winds reach was this man's hand clasped around my upper forearm.

Noticing Steve becoming more and more frantic and concerned, I desperately searched for an escape.

As my eyes flickered around the room, they snapped back to Steve's as I felt the force of the man's hand push me back.

Losing my footing and grip on the edge of the window's frame, I stumbled back as the man released his grip.

Just as I was beginning to tip backwards I shouted fearfully as loudly as I could muster.


The ice cold wind flew past me as I rapidly descended through the air, arms and legs flailing.

Feeling my heart lurch, I squeeze my eyes shut as I prepare for my inevitable end.

Suddenly I am yanked from my fall, jolting sharply at the sudden stop.

Opening my eyes I turn my head up to face Clint, who held the collar of my grey sweater that SHIELD had issued me when I had first arrived.

Feeling his grip strain against the weight pulling me down, I used my legs to try and walk up the building's wall, but it was no use. Clint's grip faltered momentarily as I slipped further, causing me to let out a yelp.

"I've got you. I've got you."
Clint reassured me with a strained tone.

My breathing became more rigid as I hung treacherously high off the ground. Each second hanging there made it harder and harder for Clint to hold on.

Hearing his laboured breaths told me I wouldn't be up for much longer, which frightened me even more.

When all seems lost, I look down the guess how fall my fall will be, but all that catches my attention is the flaming red hair blowing in the wind below me.

I watch as she shoots a wired hook up to the window where Clint is hanging from. Hearing the metal clunk latch onto the window's frame, my heart rate speeds up.

"Rose!" Clint shouts to me.

Looking up carefully to his face, I listen to his next words.

"Rose, I'm going to swing you closer to the rope. You need to grab onto it and slide down to Natasha okay?"

Too nervous to nod my head I quickly shout back to him. "Okay!"

And slowly, I am swung back and forth closer to the wall. On the third swing I lift out my hands and catch the rope tightly.

"Good!" Clint shouts, "Now I'm going to let you go."

Taking a deep breath, I wait till I feel his grip loosen then I begin sliding fast down the rope, careful not to clip the stone wall with my shoulder as I zip down.

When I am barely metres from the ground I hear Natasha's voice grow louder.

"You're alright. Nearly there."

Sliding down the last stretch of rope, I am dropped into Natasha's embrace which I use to steady myself.

Hugging her tightly, a few tears slip out of the corners of my eyes. Natasha hushes my cries as she holds me just as tightly in her arms.

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