Chapter Six

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{Chapter Six}

Side note: any feedback or advice you have is greatly appreciated and encouraged.

(Natasha's Perspective)

Pacing back and forth inside the observation room, I rack my brains for a solution. Clint stood in front of the large window that provided a one way view into Rose's room, his arms strained as he leans against the edge of the desk, head hung low.

All that could be heard was my own footsteps echoing rhythmically and the occasional sigh of exasperation.
With a huff of frustration, I interrupt the silent tension that surrounded the room.

"There's gotta be something we can do?"

"There's nothing we can do. She wants some space. We have to respect that."

Fury replies, his voice laced with tension and he sits in the back corner of the room.

"The kid's just found out she's been trapped in time and lost her family.

What she needs is comfort" Clint interjects, keeping his head down.

Fury stands up, walking towards the desk. "What you need, is to find something else to do."

The three of us face the window and focus on the small child who sat on top of the bed, knees curled into her chest, eyes blinking despondently ahead. The empty room made her appear much smaller, more fragile.

The harsh lighting of the room made her cheeks appear hollow and her eyes lifeless. It was now that you could really see the extent of which her abduction had taken on her. Images of what they might have done to her flicker through my mind, erupting my own memories of the past.

Shaking them from my thoughts, I refocus my attention on Rose. We can't just sit her while she's alone and in pain. She's confused. We need to help her. We have to.

As I turn towards the exit, my path becomes blocked by Agent Hill. In her hands is a SHIELD file.

Noticing a new presence in the room, Fury straightened up to face Hill.

"Director, here is the file you requested." She declares.

"Is that Rose's?" I respond before Fury replies. Hearing my words, Clint immediately rushes towards Hill, eyeing the file curiously.

Agent Hill opens her mouth to reply, but Fury speaks first.

"Actually, this is your new assignment." He answers.

Our heads jerk in Fury's direction with disbelief.

"You can't be ser---"

Clint shouts as Fury states "You two need to get your minds off her. And this is a pressing issue that needs to be taken care of. Immediately. You two can see her after you complete this mission."

Clint grows even more frustrated, but I know there's no changing Fury's mind.

"Come on Clint; let's just get this over with." Grabbing the file out of Hill's hands, I leave the room with Clint sulking behind me. As we exit the room, we both take a final glance at Rose in the window.

Clint stops in his tracks, spinning back to face Fury. "We're not leaving until we say goodbye to her." He states with finality.

I nod determinedly behind him. Huffing with annoyance, Fury nods to us and gestures towards the window.

We take no hesitation in racing towards the door, impatiently waiting for the electronic door to slide open painstakingly slowly.

(Rose's Perspective)

The screech of the door sliding robotically open interrupts the silence. I refuse to lift my head to the sound, keeping my eyes locked on the ragged nails that lined each finger on both my hands.

A delicate pair of hands caresses my hair lightly as another pair of hands rest on my knees. Without glancing up, I can tell it is Clint who has crouched down in front of me. Natasha's hair enters my sight as sits next to me, the mattress dipping slightly.

"Hey kiddo" Natasha murmurs in my ear, her arm wrapping around my shoulders.

I don't say a word, but I listen.

"Rose" Clint began; his voice soft and warm, "Nat and I have to go on another mission."

My eyes widen, but I remain emotionless. They were leaving me. I knew it. Everyone leaves me.

"But as soon as we're done, we will be right back." Natasha finishes.

"Yeah" Clint says, "So this isn't goodbye forever, just a goodbye for now."

I clamp my eyes shut, ignoring their attempts to comfort me. I didn't need them. I didn't need anyone. I was broken beyond repair.

Natasha gives my shoulders a gentle squeeze, while Clint pats my knees before rising to his feet.

"We'll come back for you, I promise" Natasha vows to me.

Then the two of them head out the door. Before they exit out of sight, I quickly look up to see their backs leave the room. My eyes water and my throat closes. Squeezing my eyelids tightly, I hold back the tears, wrapping my arms around my waist as if it was the only thing holding me together. Resting my head back against the wall, I take in a weighted breath and continue staring blankly ahead.

I'm on my own. Again.

(Natasha's Perspective)

As we head out the door, I take one final glance back at Rose. Her head remains down, no attempt of movement evident.

I sigh briefly before following Clint out the door, hearing it shut roughly behind us.

Walking down the hallway towards the helipad, I hang my head low, contemplating everything. Noticing my distance, Clint wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer until I'm leaning against his arm.

I can tell we are both thinking the same thing. Rose.

As we see Agent Hill at the end of the corridor, we both slow our pace.

"Don't worry guys" she tells us, "Director Fury's brining someone in to help her."

We both acknowledge her words with a slight nod, but internally, we are still thinking about what else we could do to help her.


Once we're all suited up, Clint and I silently head towards the quinjet. As we walk out onto the Helipad, someone passes us on their way in, their broad shoulder brushing past mine.

Glancing up at that someone, I notice his grey tight fitted shirt and his messy blond hair.

"Hey Captain" I smirk slightly as I continue walking forward.

"Nat." He replies with a nod as he continues heading through the doors.
Just before entering the quinjet, I take a sweeping glance back at the entrance doors, watching Steve march through.

Then it suddenly occurred to me.

It was Steve.

That's who I saw in Rose.

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