Chapter Eleven

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{Chapter Eleven}

Side note: any feedback or advice you have is greatly appreciated and encouraged.

(Natasha's Perspective)

"Six men guard the entrance." I note.

My earpiece buzzes, "It looks like there are about eight to ten men up on the 14th floor." Barton replies.

Crouching from the edge of the line of trees surrounding the derelict building, I glance up at the top of the building.

Barton and I have been undercover here for what feels like an eternity, what probably is only a day or two. It wasn't until we received Steve's warning that we realised the severity of this situation.

We needed to get Rose out of there, these men were capable of so much pain that I found my own heartbeat rapidly picking up speed as I think of what could possibly be going on up there.

Growing more and more impatient, I huff a weighty breath.

"Soon Nat, soon" Clint whispers through the earpiece.

Sweeping another scan across the surroundings, I try to pick up anything unusual. Fixing my sight on the men at the entrance, I found myself rising to my feet. Alert. Each man pauses before turning around and marching through the doors.

"Clint" I bark into the earpiece, "They're moving. They got a signal and took off into the building." I speak with such urgency as I lurch forward towards the building.

"Natasha" Clint yells through my ear, "Natasha stand down."

But I ignore him as I head through the doors to the first floor.

Rose could be in trouble.

We had to act now or who knows what is coming next.

Blocking out Barton's voice ringing in my ears, I hastily pull out the earpiece and continue moving forward.

The first level isn't anything special. The walls were cracked and caked with dust. There was little to no furniture in the room except an abandoned front counter and the elevator which lit up with power.

Flicking my eyes to every corner in the room I find nothing threatening.

Stalking over to the elevator, I hesitate before pressing the arrow pointing up. I hear the electrical hum of the box as I wait cautiously.

I hold one arm behind my back, lightly grazing over one of the guns tucked under my belt. I don't lift it out just yet, not wanting to show any of these men what I can do.

The shrill ding of the elevator startles my thoughts. The doors slide painstakingly open, screeching with protest.

To my surprise, the elevator is vacant.

My brows draw together.
Something is very wrong here.

But I let the moment evade me and step inside the doors, clicking the button reading Floor 14.

As the doors squeal shut again, I felt my heartbeat pick up speed. Shifting my weight from leg to leg, I fall into a ready stance to face my attackers. The elevator makes a shrill ding as we rise above each floor.



The numbers go up on the dial above the doors. 9. 10.

Nervous energy bubbles inside of me as if time has slowed down just to taunt me.



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