Chapter Twenty-One

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{Chapter Twenty-One}

Side note: any feedback or advice you have is greatly appreciated and encouraged.


* Three Days Ago... *

(Steve's Perspective)

The quinjet dropped me off in a small clearing hidden by shadows of trees.

Another forest location operation, perfect.

Following the route that I memorised on the fly over, I began a sprint towards the HYDRA location that should be hidden within the area.

It didn't take long to find the trail that led into the underground tunnels. Only two men stood guard at the tunnels entrance.

Not wanting to waste time, I walk out to meet them. As soon as I am spotted, their guns raise. But I was faster, my shield ricocheting off each of them before spinning back to return to my arm and lock into its magnetic clips.

I continue moving forward into the darkness of the tunnel's entrance until I find myself under fluorescent lamps hanging above. It's a one way path, easy to follow.

Keeping as quiet as I can, I slow my pace and crept forward along the walls of the tunnel.

The tunnel sinks lower and lower, winding around like a staircase down deep into the ground.

As the lights get brighter, the security grows in number, taking longer to get through each barricade of HYDRA guards. Running into a sprint, I race through the next empty stretch of tunnel.

I stop dead in my tracks. HYDRA agents stand guard several metres from me, more of them rush in behind to ambush me. Surrounded, I load my shield onto my back and raise my hands up in surrender.

A few of the HYDRA agents latch onto my arms while others shadow my every move, leading me forward right into the centre of the HYDRA base.

This room looked like any old laboratory set up; power leads, unfinished inventions, lab workers in their white coats.

It was only if you knew what to look for that you would notice what was different about this set up.

The number of men blocking every exit with large weapons.

The 'Stark Industries' weapons that lay upon benches, some broken apart, others in use connected with other machinery.

So it was true, HYDRA was using Stark's weapons to build something.

But what?

Some of the men leave their work to clear space for an approaching figure.
Creating a path through the agents, the man in charge makes his way to stand in front of me.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Captain America." The man spat with a sneer.

Scanning the man, I can only assume who it could be. His description was a simple; tall man with black narrow eyes and a thick accent.

I had been studying the reports accounted by Barton and Romanoff since I found out Rose was my daughter.

His devious smirk confirmed my assumption.

"We have been waiting for you." He begins as he paces back and forward in front of me.

"How is the little one?" He jeers, "Such a pity. What a waste of potential."

Thrashing in the arms that restrain me, I lurch forward in attempt to crush him in my bare hands.

My unsuccessful attempts cause him to laugh.

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