Chapter One

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{Chapter One}

Side Note: Any feedback or advice you have is greatly appreciated and encouraged.

-2014- (Rose's Perspective)

I don't remember how I woke up, or if I even woke up at all. The room was empty, cold and unforgiving. My aching limbs stretched painfully as I attempted to sit up from the uncomfortable bed, but my arms were strapped down, my legs too. Angling my neck to give me a better view of the unfamiliar room, I scanned every corner, looking for something that could help me.

My confusion was cut short by the only door in the room opening swiftly. Three strange and unknown figures entered the room, heading towards me.

"Good morning Jane, I see you are finally up."
A tall man stood in front of me, his eyes pitch black and narrow. I cowered back from him, confusion swirling through my mind.

Who is Jane? Is that me?
Why don't I remember?

Leaning away from his devious smirk, I caught sight of the two shadowy figures closing in behind him. One was a large man who had broad shoulders and dark hair. The other was a woman, her hair a deep brown colour and her face that was shaped to a point. Focusing my gaze on each of the figures standing before me, I remained silent and cautious.

"Not much of a talker, are you?" The man who first spoke said to me, but I held my tongue as my heart thrashed violently in my chest.

Taking one large stride closer to me, the man continued.

"Jane, you work for us. You will do what we say and you will not resist. Is that understood?"

I kept my eyes fixated on the stone cement that layered the floor.

My head was suddenly jerked sideways as a large blow came in contact with my cheek. My eyes were stinging with tears that refused to fall and my hands shook violently.

"Do you understand!?" He roared into my face with a thick accent. I nodded reluctantly, refusing to meet his unforgiving glare.

"Yes sir" I whispered, body now shaking with fear.

"Good. Then let's begin." He said as the two figures behind him inched closer and closer towards me. I shut my eyes tightly, waiting fearfully at what would come next.


It had only been a few days, but it felt like years. Every morning arrived with the same routine.

I was to be up at 5 am where I would ensure all equipment was laid out precisely where the Creator had first shown me. Still unsure of whom he was, I was instructed to call the tall man I had first encountered 'The Creator' and I was not to address the others without his permission. Then I would stand in the corner as the three of them went to work, constructing their large machine to which I had no clue of what it did nor how it worked.

I was to provide them with what they requested and never to speak a word unless told otherwise. By nightfall I was tossed a small bite to eat then sent back to my room where I had first awoken. I was never allowed to leave the building, never to engage with anyone or to respond without orders.

Any reluctance, resistance or unacceptable behaviour meant I was to be punished; which consisted of large blows to my stomach, ribcage and face. These punishments would happen almost once every few days, despite me not showing any sign of defiance.

And that was how it was. Every day.

Nothing changing.

Mentally tormented and physically abused, I held onto whatever hope I had left. I still remember. I remember everything that feels so far away now and I ask myself the same old questions.

How long have I been here?

What happened to my parents?

When can I go home?

The questions raced through my thoughts every night and gave me exactly what I needed, comfort.

Comfort in knowing that somewhere out there, someone must be looking for me. Someone must be. I closed my eyes as the blanket of darkness crept over me, and waited till morning had arrived, bringing with it, hope.


(Clint Barton's Perspective)

The wind was harsh as it jostled our quinjet through the air, carelessly pushing against us as it circled the air.

Hand holding tightly onto the seat, I turn my head to face Natasha as we wait readily for the signal. She sits stealthily in the jets carrier, eyes upturned in the distance that flew past outside the jet's windows. Her gaze met mine, our eyes communicating silently with no motive to speak.

We understood each other that way. No words needed. Just through our eyes, we know how each other is feeling; we always knew.

Director Fury warned us there was suspicious activity coming from this side of the mountains, but from what we have seen, nothing appears out of the ordinary.
From here, it looks like an isolated terrain, but we knew anything could be hiding within the crevices of these rocky slopes.

Hovering dangerously close to the rocky exterior of the snow-capped mountains below, I buckled up my parachute, clipping the belts across my chest and waist.

Natasha stood next to me, following suit as we slowly drew closer towards the small snow-filled clearing that jutted out in between the towering mountains.

"You ready?" Natasha shouted over the droning propellers, eyeing her watch precisely.

Angling my head to face hers, I eyed her playful smirk carefully, returning it with my own smirk.

Scoffing loudly, I remarked with "One step ahead of usual."

Hearing her laugh ring through the whistling wind, I roughly drew back from the jet's launch pad and readily launched myself into the chilled air below.

Somersaulting through the violent wind, I rotate my body to face the quinjet that lingered above me, watching as Nat lurched from the jet's grip into the wind gracefully, as if she was wafting down like a feather.

Typical Nat, I think to myself. Letting out a loud yell of excitement, I continue soaring through the air while listening to Natasha's witty remarks that drift along through the waves of air that we floated through.

Shaking my head with laughter, I flip my body over and propel myself closer towards the empty field, the wind blowing carelessly and Natasha soaring close behind.

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