Chapter Twenty-Six

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{Chapter Twenty-Six}

Side note: any feedback or advice you have is greatly appreciated and encouraged.



I watched her.

Her big blue eyes shadowing my every move. And I would watch her from the corner of my eye as I worked.

It was silent between us, the only sound being the clink of metal and the electronic hum as I brought the capsule to life.

"So you're from the 40's?" I mused in attempt to start up conversation.

"The 50's" She corrects me.

And that was all I had to say. I wracked my brain to search for something I comment on but nothing seemed right.

Steve? Like I haven't heard enough about it. Peggy? Probably not the best idea.

"Your father was Mr Howard Stark?"
She interrupts my thoughts.

"You heard of him?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I met him I couple times. He was friends with my mother." Ah, that made sense.

She continued, "Sometimes he would visit us and bring gifts! Like one time he gave me a pen with a tiny camera in it!"

"Fascinating" I mumble as I plug in wires into the side of the capsule.

"What are you doing?" The kid asks me, peering over my shoulder.

"An energy shield" I reply.

"And what does it do?" She asks.

"It's to protect the user from harm. It's also capable of reflecting attacks and staying mobile." I tell her as I fiddle with the red wire's socket.

"Is that what those men were after? An energy shield so they can go back in time first?"

Intelligent kid.

Must take after her mother.

"As long as I can get this thing up and running, then we should be fine."

I see her nod out of my peripheral vision.

Must be tough on the kid; being away from her family and all. But then again, family can be trouble just as much as any bad man trying to create a time machine to kill a super soldier.

"Mr Stark?" The kid speaks up from the other side of the work bench.

"Hmm?" I mumble, keeping my focus on the wired panel.

"What was that word you called the bad guys? Who they were?" She asks.


"Yes, well... HYDRA is here." My eyes snap up and I follow her gaze to the monitor screens on the bench.

There must have been at least a dozen of them. All in black, weapons raised.
"JARVIS, secure the perimeter." I call out.

"Right away Sir." JARVIS signals.

Grabbing the capsule in a bear hug, I push the case to the corner of the room.

"Rose, I need you to go to the cabinet over there" I gesture, "and I need you to barricade yourself inside it and don't come out until I come and get you, okay?"

"Mr Stark, I'm scared." Her eyes wide and her posture rigid.

Taking a big gulp of air, I walk over to her and bend down to her height, placing a hand on her shoulder.

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