Chapter Seven

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{Chapter Seven}

Side note: any feedback or advice you have is greatly appreciated and encouraged.

(Steve Rogers' Perspective)

Stepping into the brightly lit corridors that spiralled around SHIELD headquarters, I had no idea what I was walking into.

When Fury called me in, I certainly knew something was up.

Once I reached the end of the corridor, I saw Nick Fury, his face stoic and his stance rigid. I furrowed my eyebrows, eyeing him warily as I approached him.

With a silent nod, I return the gesture to him, eyes questioning his motives.

"You said there was an issue you needed my help with?" I began.

"Yes" he replied, "On a mission, we uncovered a child-"

"A child?" I interjected.

He nods in response, continuing his message.

"The group of unknown dispatchers had been holding her captive for who knows how long. She had been frozen in an ice capsule since the year 1956 when she was abducted while walking home."

This made me falter. 1956? No one can survive that long without air. No one except..

Eyes flashing with realisation, I look at Fury.

"She's going to need your help adjusting to the new time period. She's been isolated for so long, we have no idea what's going on inside her head. That's why we called you." Fury stated as he led me towards a closed door with no handle.

Pressing his hand to the sensor pad that sat on the wall, he turned to face me once again.

"Keep her calm, tell her what's going on and make sure that she is not a threat to anyone."

With one final nod, I anxiously wait for the metal door to screech open. Once the door was completely open, I took several cautious steps inside the seemingly empty room.

Hearing the door slide to a close behind me, I sucked in a sharp breath and turned to face the small figure balled up on top the bed in the corner of the room.

Taking a closer, more observant look at the small child, I noticed it was a young girl.

Her golden blonde curls hung flat down her shoulders, a little scruffy from burying her head into her knees.

Her skin was quite fair, from lack of exposure to the light no doubt, and her frame looked incredibly fragile, as if one swift movement would shatter her.

She didn't acknowledge my presence, so I shifted slightly, hoping she would hear me.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I took another careful step towards the bed.

"Hey there." I whispered to her in a soft tone.

She didn't stir.

Walking right up to the bed, I nervously sat down next to her. My shoulder brushing past her arm, I continue. "I heard about what happened. I thought maybe I could help?"

No movement.

Letting out a silent breath of air which I wasn't aware I was holding, I waited.

After several more moments it was clear I wasn't getting an answer anytime soon, so, in an attempt to ease the growing discomfort, I began striking up conversation.

"You know, it might sound hard to believe.. but... well, you see.." I stumbled over my words, "I know what you're going through right now.. I mean, well, I..."

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