Chapter Twenty

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{Chapter Twenty}

Side note: any feedback or advice you have is greatly appreciated and encouraged.


(Clint's Perspective)

Holding our breath, we watch the shadow come closer.

A moment of terror seized us before Nat came marching through, carrying a large gun-like weapon.

"Found the weapons." She smirks at me, her eyes widening when she catches a glimpse of Rose hidden under my arms.

"Rose" She breathes, "What are you doing?!"

Rushing forward to meet us, I let Rose wriggle out from under me and straight into Nat's arms.

"I found her hiding here when those men launched their attack." I explained as I tried to pull myself up onto my feet, groaning in pain as my arm throbbed.

With Rose still in her arms, Natasha narrows her eyes at me, assessing my arm.

"Just a graze." I shake off, wincing as I raise my arm a little.

"I'm sorry!" Rose whispers in a fearful voice, "I was just looking around and I was in the plane and I don't know, I heard a noise and panicked so I hid in the closet. I didn't know what to do, and when I opened the door no one was there and I was scared so I tried to look for help and I heard the shouting and guns and I didn't even think about it, I just went in and I found Clint and I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry!"
She blubbers with wide eyes.

"Aw, sweetie" Natasha coos in attempt to calm her down, "Don't worry about that now, let's just focus on getting out of here and back to the quinjet."

Hearing the distant sounds of men shouting, we all snapped into action.

"Let's go" Natasha announces.

Heading over to the pile of bodies strewn over the ground, Nat bends down and rips a shred of one man's pants and uses it to hold pressure on my arm.

Once it's tight and secure, we start heading out the left exit, back where Natasha had come from.

But before we could leave, Rose shouts.

Running over to the limp bodies, Rose reaches over one and tears a part of their sleeve.

"What—" I begin.

"There's no time! We have to go NOW." Nat interrupts.

Reaching my uninjured arm to clasp Rose's hand, we head off down the halls, following Romanoff's lead.

As the voices get louder, we pick up the pace into a run through the maze of passageways, avoiding any that echoed those voices.

The further we went, the more the panic set in.

By the time we made it to the entrance door, we were all huffing and panting.

Just as we were making the escape undetected, several men came bounding down the hall, weapons raised.  As soon as the danger was registered, we all broke into a sprint, running as fast as we could out of the tank and up into the streets.

Our presence erupted alarm among the town, causing people to hide inside nearby shops and behind stalls, their eyes panicked and alert.

Weaving in and around of shops, we ran through the town as the space between us and them grew wider.

When the jet was in our sights, we pushed further, increasing our speed.
Punching the code in, the doors mechanically lower and I immediately lift up Rose and help her clamber inside. Then I push Nat in, before launching myself insde before the ramp even hits the ground.

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