Chapter Fourteen

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{Chapter Fourteen}

Side note: any feedback or advice you have is greatly appreciated and encouraged.


(Clint's Perspective)

The water grew darker and thicker as we waded further and further away. It was almost swamp-like.

Slowly treading through the water, I lead the way forward, using my bow to clear my path. Nat trails close behind and Steve carries Rose on his back behind her.

The sun was dimming rapidly and I knew it wouldn't be long until it was too dark to navigate through these waters.

Surrounding both sides of the river was dense greenery. Trees hung low over the water, making it hard to drift through with ease.

The only sound that could be heard was our heavy breaths and the water that stirred as we floated through it.

I have no clue how long we have been at this, but it is safe to say we should be in the clear now; at least until morning.

After a couple more metres of wading, I veer off to the left and lift myself out of the water. The muddy slope was slippery as I clawed into the grounds soft edges to drag myself up.

The others watch me; their eyes weary from the journey.

"Time to rest." I murmur as I reach out to help Nat scale the slope carefully.

Nat and I outstretch our hands to lift Rose up and out of the water while Steve manages to pull himself up.

Rose slips her hand into mine as I trudge forward into the foliage.

Noticing a small clearing just big enough of all of us, I drop my bow onto the ground of pine needles by a tree. I pull my quiver of arrows off my shoulder and place it next to the arrows and turn to find everyone else dropping their weapons.

Rose lets go of my hand and surveys the immediate surrounding.

"We can sleep here for the night and we'll leave at sunrise," I explain to her, "It's not safe to travel in the dark, especially in the water."

She nods in understanding, her eyes drooping slightly with fatigue.

"Come on Rose," Nat speaks softly, placing her hand on Rose's back to guide her off in a different direction, "Let's get you cleaned up."

As she leads Rose off, I walk back over to the water's edge where Steve is taking off part of his uniform.

Standing not far off from him, I too begin unzipping my suit, thankful that I had a SHIELD black singlet underneath. Taking both the vest and singlet off, I kneel down to the water and wash the clothes to get the mud off.

"Cap." I acknowledge his presence.

"Barton." He returns as he washes his own uniform near me.

"So how does it feel to have a secret child you never knew about?" I muse.

He shakes his head.

"I have no idea what I'm doing. It seems like we can't have a moment to really get to know each other without being attacked or placed in dangerous situations." He huffs.

"Well from what I've seen," I start as I begin to ring out my clothes, "she's a bright kid. Yeah she has been through hell, but she's tough. She's a lot like you I suppose."

Steve chuckles lightly, "No, that was all Peggy. She was the strong one, always."

His tone sounded sombre so I let our small talk end there. As we put on our singlets and left our shirts hanging on low branches to dry out overnight.

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