Chapter Ten

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{Chapter Ten}

Side note: any feedback or advice you have is greatly appreciated and encouraged.

(Steve's Perspective)

The sound of gunshots and destruction tore apart my conversation with Fury, as we immediately rushed out the door.

Arriving almost instantly in front of Rose's door, it was clear something was not right. The door was smashed through the middle, the edges sharp and jagged.

After a brief pause of shock, I put all my force behind separating the broken doors and forcing myself inside the room. The sight inside was unearthing.

For there in the corner, where the bed used to be, was Agent Hill, slumped on the ground with a nasty gash just above her temple.

Immediately hurrying to her aid, I knelt down to Hill's height. My eyes searched furiously around the room.
Gripping Hill's shoulder, I squeezed it lightly.

"Where is Rose?" I questioned with urgency.

Agent Hill was breathing heavily, but she managed to breathe out her answer. "They took her, they took her away."

Turning to face the bed that now sat torn in half, I see the corner of the comic book I brought in peer out from underneath the pillow.

Fury then positions himself next to Hill, turning to me with stern eyes.
"Rogers. Go find her."

I snap back to reality. With not so much as a nod, I took off out of the room and down the corridors of chaos and crumbling walls.

Carefully dodging falling debris, I skilfully made my way through the halls until I was so close to the sirens of delayed warning and gunshots, I couldn't hear anything else around me.

Rounding the south exit, I dove into a storage room to avoid the endless destruction. Panting heavily with my back pressed against the wall, I take a quick scan of the room. That's when I am made aware of exactly where I am.

Pulling myself upright, I swipe my spare uniform from the wall and barricade myself in the change room. Hurriedly slipping on my uniform, I head out the door once again, snatching my helmet and shield on my way out.

The moment I exit the safe confines of the room I am hit by the showers of dust and rubble, but I venture forward. Determination triumphing over me, I use my shield to protect myself from the spray of bullets, knocking each intruder down as I thunder down the corridors to the building's exit.

Turning the last corner, I finally catch a glimpse of the launch pad. Explosions erupt from all directions. There are agents slumped over, their bodies coated with red. Lifting my eye line away from the lines of bodies strewn across the tarmac, I refocus my attention to finding Rose.

She couldn't have gone far.

But where are they taking her?

Apprehensive of her whereabouts, I heave in a sharp breath and take off again across the tarmac and to the nearest, undamaged quinjet. Hearing the incoherent shouting coming from behind me, I quicken my pace; firing up the jet and preparing myself for take-off.

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