Chapter Twenty-Seven

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{Chapter Twenty-Seven}

Side note: any feedback or advice you have is greatly appreciated and encouraged.



I could hear them coming down the stairs. It was like a thunderstorm tearing through the room.

I shrink myself against the back wall of the cabinet.

The second their feet hit the ground floor, I hold my breath and wait. There is crashing and yelling and beeping as they move through the room.

"INCOMING!" A voice booms as the sound intensifies.

Mr Stark must be down here now, I can hear the hum of electronics clinking and whizzing before colliding with things.

No one has found me yet, but I don't dare risk taking a peek.

There is more yelling and suddenly, everything is quiet. All I can hear is my heart bursting out of my chest and I strain to listen.

"Move and I shoot." A voice commands.

"You're not getting it." A female voice threatens.

It's Nat! Does that mean Clint is with her? It sounds like they're in trouble.

My breathing quickens.

I hear a struggle and the clinking of weapons being loaded.

That's when I make my decision.

"STOP!" I plead as I push on the door.

But the door doesn't open. My heart drops to my stomach and my eyes squeeze shut in panic.

That's when a loud clang comes from the outside of the cabinet and the doors fling open to reveal the situation.

Two men grip an arm each and clamp down tightly and drag me forward.

Now I can see everything. Nat is stepped forward, four men holding her back. She is faced to me, trying to reach me. Behind her is Clint and Mr Stark.

Both are restrained with weapons aimed at them.

Everyone's eyes are on me.

"Well look who we have here..." Says the man between Natasha and I.

Suddenly the world is spinning.
That man. His face. His eyes, pitch black and narrow. The thick unfamiliar accent.

It's him.

I try to back up but the men holding me in place don't let me budge.

"Jane. It's so nice to see you again. We have been looking for you for quite some time." He says as he takes long strides closer to me.

I can't breathe. Panic surges through me and spots my vision. My palms are sweaty. Everything is spinning.

"Her names not Jane." Mr Stark says darkly at the same time Clint says "Don't you dare touch her."

"Who is he?" Mr Stark frowns at Clint.

Clint, his glare locked on the man says hollowly, "He's the one who help Rose captive and locked away and punished all this time." He spits.

The man chuckles darkly as he faces Clint.

The man opens his mouth again to remark, but no sound comes out.

Because as we have been standing here, no one had realised that a small tin container has rolled into the centre of the room and has begun beeping loudly.

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