Chapter Five

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{Chapter Five}

Side note: any feedback or advice you have is greatly appreciated and encouraged.

(Natasha Romanoff's Perspective)

"Can you tell me where my parents are?" Rose pleaded to Fury.

His eyes softened as they met her innocent blue ones. Clearing his throat roughly, he spoke.

"I'm sure we can do that. Now tell me, what was your father's name? Maybe we can trace his whereabouts for you."

Rose's facial expression lifted into one of hope and longing. She quickly responded with eagerness.

"His name is Daniel. Daniel Sousa. He is a business man." She rambled on, "I think I remember him telling me he was in the war.. I can't quite remember anymore.. But I know he worked in New York."

"I'm sure that's enough to go on with" Clint interjected, "We're going to do everything we can to find your family, okay?"

Clint crouches down to reach Rose's height. The sight makes my face soften; Clint's always had a soft side for little ones.

As Fury and Clint head towards the exit, I begin to follow them out, hesitating as I glance back at Rose, who sits back on top of the plain bed that sat against the wall. Stopping in my tracks, I call out to Clint.

"You guys go on without me, I'm gonna hang here a bit"

Clint turns back towards me, nodding slightly and continuing onward. Letting a heavy sigh escape my lips, I shift towards Rose, sitting next to her on the bed with our backs against the wall.
Rose makes no effort to look towards me, but makes no attempt to distance herself either.

In an attempt to ease her nerves, I start up some small talk.

"So you're from New York?" I ask politely.

Rose fixes her eyes to the ground then responds back to me.

"Yeah. I really liked it there; there were a lot of nice people." She murmurs quietly.

I asked whether she had gone to see the ball drop on New Year's Eve. She told me that her parents would always take her there together and she proceeded to tell me all about the amazing fireworks and skylines that she had seen. Her eyes landed on hers and her smile grew a little at each memory, giving me a sense of familiarity as I listened to her with immense fascination.

She was a lot like Steve in some ways. I saw it now. The way she spoke in such wonder at her memories and the way she captivated your attention with her endearing qualities. A lot like the way Steve spoke about his past times with his Howling Commanders and all the adventures he had fighting Hydra during the war.

But when I asked her what else she remembered, her eyes lost their spark and her smile had gone completely. Lowering her eyes to her hands, which lay in her lap, she began to recount the last memory she had before she arrived in that broken down house Clint found her in.

"I remember" She whispered as her voice wobbled, "I remember I had gone to get some flowers for my mother, she told me she and my father were going out that night and I had the house to myself. I was planning to read one of my new books after I came back. So I went out and bought a bright assortment of flowers and as I was walking back, I remember... it was footsteps. Someone was following me."

She hesitated briefly before continuing on.

"They grabbed me and threw me over their shoulder and took me to this dark place. I don't remember exactly. But, they..they threw me in a tube thing,"

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