Chapter Fifteen

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{Chapter Fifteen}

Side note: any feedback or advice you have is greatly appreciated and encouraged.


(Natasha's Perspective)

When I woke the next morning, all I could think about was the Red Room.

Seeing Rose and knowing the hurt she must have endured for so long reminded me of my own past.

The nightmares played over and over through my mind, each moment flashing across my eyes with more pain and terror than I have ever experienced before.

Clint must have noticed my far off gaze, for he shuffled closer to me and wrapping his arm securely around my waistline.

Subconsciously leaning into his body, I let my eyes shut and shake the thoughts from my head.

Without words, Clint just watches me patiently.

He knew.

He knew what I was thinking.

He always knew.

Distracting myself, I readjust my focus on Rose.

Across from me, she slept quietly, curled into Steve's arms like a small infant.

It was quite endearing actually. She looked almost peaceful here.

But I knew better than to assume she was any more than fine.

Steve was watching her too. His eyes showing nothing but care and concern for his daughter. A look that I haven't seen before.

I knew Clint had turned to watch them as well, as he gave me a slight squeeze before groaning as he stood to his feet.
Elbowing him in the ribs as he rose, I gave him the look.

My eyes told him to shut up and as he returned my look with a childish pout, I knew he understood.

But the noise had been enough to cause Rose to stir in her sleep. Her eyes flittered open and for a moment she was simply an innocent child waking up to the world.

Once she became fully alert, the look resided and her expression
transformed into a look of burden.

No one spoke. We all simply began gearing up and getting ready to take off again.

The light had not quite reached above the trees as we left, sliding carefully back into the murky water; the cold water seeping through our clothes and washing away any tiredness that may have lingered.

We moved faster than we did the other day, the scraps of debris no longer blocking our path. It took hours before anything around us looked even remotely different.

Slowly, the trees had thinned out and the water grew less murky; somehow more blue.

Every so often, one of us would speak. But not more than a few mumbles.

Rose took turns on Steve and Clint's backs, but now she was wading through the water beside me.

Now and then we would glance at each other and give a small smile to tell each other that we were okay. Though, the smiles never reached our eyes.

Several hours later, the water was flowing much faster, signalling stronger currents ahead.

Rocks began appearing through the water, making us more mindful of where we stepped in the water.

Rose and I were leading the way when suddenly, the ground below us had given out and we both dropped down into the water as the current began jostling us further away from Steve and Barton.

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