Chapter Seventeen

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{Chapter Seventeen}

Side note: any feedback or advice you have is greatly appreciated and encouraged.


(Rose's Perspective)

Raindrops race each other down the window screen, slowly at first then all at once. They collect together at the bottom corners, forming larger puddles of water before spilling over and out of sight.

I trace my finger and follow one said raindrop slide down the other side of the window, letting my finger drop as the water falls below the window pane.

Returning my eyes to the open page of my latest book, I retrace my position and immerse myself in yet another story. With my legs curled beneath me, I lean on the window's ledge inside my new room.

I enjoyed these moments; just being able to read on a rainy day, it almost felt normal. Comfortable.

Since I've been with my dad, I have gotten back into reading. It has been too long since I have been able to.

My current book was titled 'The Giver', my dad had picked it up for me at a bookstore the other day. I found it completely fascinating how the boy Jonas experiences a world so unlike this one. I guess it reminded me of my own experiences.

Of course I wasn't forced to lose my emotions and individuality, but I did recognise his sense of alienation. That was very familiar.

Another rainy day in Washington meant that I could stay in our apartment and escape into someone else's world. The sun hid behind the cloak of clouds, but lit up just enough for my eyes to read the words on the page.

As my eyes flicker over to the next page, a soft knock on my door snaps my attention back into the small plain room that was now mine.

"Come in." I call out, closing my book and placing it back on the small wooden desk that stood by my left.

Getting to my feet, I slip over to the bed as the door creaks open.

Steve's head pops in first, his innocent smile raising my own smile to lift upon my face.

"Hey" He says.

"Hi" I answer.

"Reading again?" He guessed with a smirk.

I nod happily while gesturing to the book of my desk while saying "I really like this one."

Steve gave a light laugh as he came and sat down on the bed beside me.

"This is one I read when I first came here too. I thought you might like it too."

My smile grew, but it slowly lowered when I saw his expression.

"There's something you're not telling me, isn't there?" I whisper.

Steve's eyes grew more pained when he realised I could tell.

"Rose" He capped his hand over my shoulder, in a soothing gesture.

"SHIELD called, they want me in for a mission." His eyes watched me closely, waiting for me to be upset I assume.

"Alright" I slowly pronounce each syllable, questioning his pained expression.

"I'll be gone for a few days, so you won't be able to stay here." He finally choked out.

Realisation rushed over me and as soon as I knew, I rushed to reassure him.

"No, no. I'll be fine, don't worry about."

But how could he not? He was my father.

"Rose, I'm going to take you to SHIELD headquarters in New York to stay until I get back."

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