chapter 8

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It's been 2 weeks and Naledi has been handling this Sphe situation quite well. Now that sphe is out of the way I'll only be easier for her to be mine fully. So it's my mother's birthday today and I've been summoned and there was no way I'd mis my mother's big day and one things about my mother she likes everything to be intimate.

I'm currently on my way to KZN.


ZANA:Wehhh bhuti! Uguphi?( Brother! Where are you?

ZWIDE:Ngi yeza phela. ( I'm coming)

ZANA: uNdlovukazi is so excited to see you.

ZWIDE: I'm driving, I'll call you when I arrive.

About 2 hours later I pulled up to the gate of our not so lovely anymore.

Guests and family were already piling up. Nkosana saw me from the other side of the gate.

The security system apparently couldn't recognize my pin code. Huh?

SECURITY GUY:Sauwbona mhloniswha. (Greetings sir)

ZWIDE: Yebo bafo. Aw'vule lapho. ( Open up there)

SECURITY GUY: Nge badi ,u bhut'Nkosana changed the security system, some codes don't work anymore. (Unfortunately)

ZWIDE: Eh baba, ngi inkosana ya la ekhaya.... (I'm the prince of this place)

SECURITY GUY:i understand but I'd lose my job if I let you in.

I got out my car and walked over to the gate. Nkosana's stubborn ass sees me out here but does nothing to let me in.

ZWIDE:Nkosana! Weh Nkosana!
My mother rushed out to see what was happening.

HLENGIWE: Ndodana ,nguwe lo?(Son ,is this you?)
The gate opened and she came in to embrace me.

ZWIDE: Ndlovukazi. How are you( Queen mother)

HLENGIWE: Your father and I missed you.
I let go and kissed her on her forehead.

HLENGIWE: Nkosana ,woza uzobona ubhuti wakho.( come see your brother)
Nkosana walked towards me and gave me a firm handshake.

NKOSANA: Godongwana.

ZWIDE: Nkosana.

ZANA: You made it!!
She yelled running towards me.

ZWIDE: Ofcourse I made it. Unjani kodwa?( how are you?)

ZANA:Ngi right! Uphi uNaledi?( I'm alright where's Naledi?)
She said wiggling her eyebrows at me.

ZWIDE :Gahle wena.
She dragged me into the house.

NKULULEKO: Ayooo. K'hambani big bro.( How's it going)

ZWIDE: Agusho lutho mfana....uguphi umfazi? ( nothing at all boy. Where's the wife? )

NKULULEKO: Ai u khona. We're expecting again.

ZWIDE: Wow bro. Congratulations son!
So let me break my siblings down for you...

The oldest: Nkosana, he has a wife and 4 kids.
The second oldest: Nkosiyabo, he has no wife but 2 kids and 2 baby mama's.
Then there's me :Godongwana, I have a beautiful fiancé but we all know that by now.
After me :Nkululeko, he has a wife and 5 kids.
Then there the last born Nkosazana. If she had a boyfriend he'd be dead and I'd be his murderer.

My mother insisted we all sat gathered for dinner to celebrate her birthday since we haven't seen eachother in such a long time.

HLENGIWE: So Godongwana, how has the business been?Ngezwa kuthiwa yenza izinto ezinhle.( I hear it's doing good things)

ZWIDE: Konke kuhamba ngendlela.(Everything is going accordingly. )

HLENGIWE: Kuhle lokho ( That's good)

ZANA: Mama ake ngikutshele,uGodongwana uthole intombi.(Mama let me tell you, Godongwana found a girlfriend)

NKULULEKO: Kunjalo mfana? (is that right boy?)

ZWIDE:Ai kumele azinake ezakhe izindaba lo.( She needs to mind her own business this one)

HLENGIWE:Ubani igama lakhe ndodana? (What's her name son?)

ZWIDE:Lokho akubalulekile njengamanje Ndlovukasi (That's not important right now Queen mother. )

I now,once she finds out about her she's going to want to meet her and Naledi is NOT ready to meet this part of my life.

NKOSANA: He's right. Thats not important right now. What's important is who Baba is going to pick to be next in line for the throne.

NKOSIYABO: There he goes again..the golden child. Just say that you want to be the fucking king bro. We get it.

My father walks in the room and heads over to greet my mother. He takes a quick glance at me .

BHEKISIZWE: Godongwana.

ZWIDE: Nkosi yami. ( My king)

BHEKISIZWE: O funani la? (What do you want here?)
What does he mean?. It's my mother's birthday.

ZWIDE: Angiqiniseki ukuthi ngiyaqonda ukuthi usho ukuthini nkosi yami.( I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean my king.)

BHEKISIZWE: Bengicabanga ukuthi isidlo sakusihlwa ngesamalungu omndeni kuphela.( I thought dinner was for family members only. )

HLENGIWE: Myeni wami, please. (My husband)
My mother had this look on her face that I couldn't quite read.


BHEKISIZWE:Unyoko akakutshelanga?( Your mother didn't tell you)

ZWIDE: Tell me what?

BHEKISIZWE: Awuyona indodana yami.( You're not my son)

The fuck?

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