Chapter 18

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It's coronation day. I can't believe that my fiancé will now be crowned iNkosi ya Mandandwe. He's been restless the entire night and I've been throwing up so you can imagine how hectic it's been. I honestly want to go home at this point, my feet are swollen and ,my nose is already looking like it's pregnant and I just can't take it anymore, I miss my siblings!

Zwide insisted I stayed at the guest house to avoid drama and the chaos of the day but I'm not going to miss this day!

We got to the mansion and Hlengiwe immediately pulled me to the side to dress me in this beautiful Zulu attire. I haven't seen Zwide since we arrived and I'm starting to get worried, I've heard stories about banna ba isitsweng thabeng mo and I want my fiancé far away from those extreme practices.

NALEDI: Ma when is he coming back,it's getting late now?

HLENGIWE: Don't worry. He'll be back soon.

Phindile, Zana and I got started with dinner and it was big.  Even though Ma said it would be a small ceremony for the ancestors, I'm still nervous.....once we actually got married, I'm going to become his queen. His source of oxygen! I like the sound of that.

A man walked in reciting their clan names and in came my man wrapped in the skin of a leopard with blood all over his body. He only had a piece of cloth covering his private part but other than that he was naked. Ma and Zana immediately started ulilating and dancing as well as Phindile. Nkululeko and Nkosiyabo followed behind him with spears. Zwides eyes never left mine,if looks could kill...I'd be dead.

Ma had already told me that when he arrived I needed to fetch him a bowl of clean water and traditional beer to welcome him.

I took the bowl and walked towards him,when I arrived I knelt down and he washed his hands. He then took the small bowl of moqombothi and drank.

Zwide signaled me to stand up. I slowly stood up.

ZWIDE: I hope everyone listens and listens to me carefully, Naledis role changed ,she is not just uMakoti wa la, she is the Queen of eMandandwe.  Married to the a king or not. She is carrying the heir to the throne.
Bathong Zwide!


ZWIDE:I expect everyone to treat her with respect.


NKOSIYABO: Nkosi yami!
And after that entire queen speech he walks off,leaving everyone utterly speechless, especially me.

ZANA:Naledi you're pregnant!?

NALEDI: 5weeks.
She immediately embraced me in a hug.

ZANA: Oh my gosh! Congratulations Naledi.

NKOSIYABO: Congra' makoti.

NALEDI: Thank you Nkosiyabo.

NKULULEKO: Damn, Godongwana finally laid the pipe right.

NALEDI: Ao gahle wena.
We laughed and sat down at the dinner table.

NKULULEKO: You even speak like him now?Isgaxa!

NALEDI: What can I say, he's the king.

ZANA:And you're his queen. Oh ma ,are Baba and Bhut'Nkosana coming.

HLENGIWE: Not tonight Nana.

NALEDI: I wonder what's taking Zwide so long?

ZANA:Miss him already?

NALEDI: I haven't seen him the whole day today.

NKULULEKO: Speak of the devil.
He walks in wearing a white vest and grey sweatpants, my weakness.

ZWIDE: My love.
He said kissing me on the forehead and sat down.

ZWIDE: Family.

ZANA: Soooo ,how was it? Was Ta'Mkhulu strict with you? (Grandpa)

ZWIDE: Ubuzani wena?( What are you asking? )

HLENGIWE: Ingane iyabuza phela.(The child is asking...)

NALEDI: I also want to know?

NKOSIYABO: Nge badi imithetho of our culture doesn't allow the women to know these things.

NALEDI: Hai okay.....

ZWIDE: You're looking good.



NALEDI :Thank you. Must be your child that's inside of me.

ZWIDE: Pregnancy suits you Sthandwa sami

NALEDI: Ngiyabonga Babakhe.

NKOSIYABO: Talk about soulmates.

Dinner went by and Phindile and I where about to take the plates to the kitchen.

ZWIDE: Uhmm I'd like to say something real quick....I'd like to put Nkosiyabo incharge whenever I'm not around.

NKOSIYABO: Yini?(What? )

ZWIDE: Bhuti you know this place and how it works better than anyone. I'll feel reassured leaving ekhaya in your hands.(Home.)

NKOSIYABO: Ngiyakuzwa bafo. I won't let you down.(I hear you.)
Sipho ,Mbali,Ntando and Lusanda ,Phindiles children came running in the dining room.

PHINDILE: Haibo, yini manje.(what now? )

LUSANDA:Mommy Auntie Ntombi is at the gate.
Phindile opened the gate and a couple of seconds later Ntombi rushed into the dining with blood all over her clothes.

HLENGIWE: Ntombi, what happened?

NTOMBI: Godo...Godongwana shot Nkosana!

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