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Zwide got up.
ZWIDE: Naledi I think it's time we left.
I got up and stood closer to him


HLENGIWE: Myeni wami? (My husband)

BHEKI:Lo mfana ufunani la? (What does this boy want here? )

HLENGIWE:Yegela ingane baba. (Leave the child. )

BHEKI:I said that ..

ZWIDE: Save it . We were just about to leave.
He grabbed me by the hand and lead me to the door.

HLENGIWE: Bheki we both know that Godongwana should be next in line for the throne.

NKOSANA:Baba ,uMa Ukhuluma nganni. We all know the oldest leads... (Father what is mom talking about?)

HLENGIWE: Ntsika is older that Bheki and Godongwana is his first born.

NKOSANA: Baba you said I'd he the one to lead after you whether he's Ntsika's oldest or not!

ZWIDE: You knew?

NKOSANA: Ofcourse I fucking knew,damn we all knew.
Zwides grip on my hand tighten he was angry, really angry.

ZWIDE: Nkosazana?
He said looking at her sister hoping that she had no idea. She simply sighed and looked down. Sochong he was the only kept in the dark about this. Eish no wonder he never comes home

ZWIDE: Okay, since everyone decided to shut their mouths and pretend to play happy family while they knew damn well that Bheki wasn't my fucking father,all of you will play by my rules! When I'm king ,when you follow my commands it won't be so nice.

NKOSANA: You tend to forget ,I made you boy. Stop acting like you're actually not ingane ka baba and be normal like the rest of us! ( dads child.)

Oh that's Nkosana's problem ,he wants my fiancé to be normal and by know we should all know that Zwide is far from normal .

ZWIDE:Watch me Nkosana.

We left and he drove us to a guest house not too far away. and I could clearly see how infuriated he was.

NALEDI: You hungry, I could get us some food since we couldn't eat dinner.

ZWIDE: I'll be fine.

NALEDI: Shap. Oh and I hope you won't hold a grudge against Fikile for telling me she booked a flight back to Alberton.

ZWIDE: Don't worry about it.
He said taking taking off his shirt.


ZWIDE: What's with this damn 'shap' thing of yours ,khuluma gahle nami. (Talk properly with me)

NALEDI: Look I get that you're upset and angry about everything right now but I'm the last person you should be lashing out at.
I walked over to the edge of the bed where he was now sitting.

NALEDI: Baby ROYALTY really! Out everything you just have to be ,you just have to be different.

ZWIDE: You say it like it's a bad thing.

NALEDI: We both know it's not but what does this mean for us?

ZWIDE: I don't know. I just want to take every step at a time,how about that?

NALEDI: I can work with that. Kore I can immediately see how Mpho is going be excited when she finds out she knows and actual prince.

ZWIDE: Ba guphi vele?( Where are they?)

NALEDI: They visited Katleho and Ona.

ZWIDE: And you crazy woman drove all the way over here for what exactly?

NALEDI: Oh ,so you didn't miss me?
I said kissing him on the lips.

ZWIDE: Oh trust me I missed you. We both did.
He said looking at the bulge in-between his legs.

NALEDI: I came here because I was mad at you.
I stood up and pulled the duvet of the bed.

ZWIDE: Tell me about how you've been feeling sthandwa sam.
He took my hand and sat me down. Shit just got serious.

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