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This book is a sequel so if you haven't read the first one( I'll always find you)...I highly suggested to you click on my profile and check it out..

Okay let's go back a couple of days .
So last week Friday when my fiancé wanted to announce to his friends that we'd be getting married , I received a call from my grandmother saying that my boyfriend, yes ,my boyfriend paid lobola for me. Mind you I don't love him,I don't want him ....I want my fiancé, Zwide not Sphe.

Zwide got mad at him,real mad. He decided to go ballistic and kidnap him. I tried to talk him out of it and tell him that we should focus on ourselves and moving on but there is no way of convincing him otherwise.

So as we speak Sphe is tied down in our basement waiting for his fate.

I'm Naledi Raboroko an older sister of 2 amazing siblings, Karabelo and Mpho. I'm a 23 year woman that works as a receptionist for a company called Water Inc &Co and I'm madly inlove with Godongwana Dingiswayo Zwide.


KARABELO: Ayo ausi Naledi did you pick up Mpho from school already?

NALEDI: No I thought you would fetch her.

KARABELO: I can't find her.

NALEDI: What do you mean ,you can't find her?

KARABELO: She's not at school and her friends said a car came to pick her up.

NALEDI: Karabelo.Karabelo. Ska batla hong hlantsha. Where are you now?

KARABELO: I'm at the school.

I shook my head and hung up.


NALEDI: Where are you now?

ZWIDE: I'm around.

NALEDI: Uhmm ....Mpho is missing ,Karabelo said she got into someone's car ...did you pick her up maybe ? I don't know what to do.

ZWIDE: Wait. Slow down mama.

NALEDI: Can you come?

ZWIDE: Don't worry I'm on my way.

About 10 minutes later he drove into the driveway and I rushed out to see him.

ZWIDE:Talk to me.

NALEDI: I can't find her , I called everyone Zwide. Lihle ,Katleho, my grandmother, Fikile, Sindy ....everyone!
I started thinking the worst at this point. What if she was laying in a ditch somewhere?

ZWIDE: Okay don't do that Sthandwa Sam...


ZWIDE: Don't think the worst about the situation.  She might be with a friend somewhere.

Tears came rolling out my eyes and he held me in his arms.

ZWIDE: I'll find her. Don't worry.
He lead me into the house and suggested I take a warm bath to calm my nerves down.

ZWIDE: Let me fetch Karabelo. If we're all under the same roof it's better for me to keep an eye on you.

NALEDI: I have a bad feeling about this. Mpho isn't the type to just dissappear.

ZWIDE: I'll find her.

He left to fetch Karabelo and I was left alone. A couple of minutes later I heard yelling coming from the basement.

I quickly got dressed and walked down there. I found Sphe helplessly squirming on the floor in pain . I can see Zwide had his fun with him.

NALEDI: Wa rasa!

SPHE:You'll pay for this!
He gritted spitting out blood.

SPHE:You'll all pay for this. Starting with your fucking sister!

NALEDI: O reng?

SPHE:Ncoww I bet you miss her so much.

NALEDI: Sphesihle?
I squated down to his level.

NALEDI:.O bua kang?

SPHE: Only if you listened. You and I would've made a perfect couple.

NALEDI: Where the fuck is she?!
I yelled.
Not my little sister.  Not Mpho.

NALEDI: Sphe this is between you and I ,leave my sister out of this.

SPHE: All you have to do is to marr..

NALEDI: No! I'll let you go,I'll do anything, anything...just tell me where she is.
At this point I was pleading.

SPHE: What do you even see in him anyway. Engaged to a man that killed your parents.


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