Chapter 3

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The next morning I woke up and he wasn't there, luckily.

This entire situation got me thinking....if he killed my parents to ,you know,get to me what if he told Kopano to, you know......

Uhh. What am I even thinking. That's my fucking fiancé I'm talking about.

I just hope that wherever Mpho is, she's safe.
I went down to the basement and woke Sphe up.

NALEDI: Look,if I can confirm that Zwide did not kill my parents ....

SPHE: Which you won't because he did...

NALEDI: If I can prove to you that he didn't you'll have to give me Mpho back.

SPHE:Deal. Don't worry that brat is safe,well for now atleast.

NALEDI: I want to see her Sphesihle. You seem to forget that you're under my watch, my basement ,my rules.

SPHE:And it's funny how you're making deals with me.
There's no point in this. I left the basement and went to work.


JAMES: Bosslady.

NALEDI: James ,ke kopa ong drive'e somewhere fast.

JAMES :Send'a location. Ke tla jika daar nou nou.

A thought popped into my head. If maybe just maybe I could talk to Kopano and confirm what Sphesihle said were lies ,I'd be able to get Mpho back.

James came to pick me up and dropped me off at the Shisanyama.  This place brings me back terrible memories. But I have to get answers and this is the only place I know I'll find him.

I saw him sitting alone at a table looking all damaged and bruised,drowning himself in alcohol.

NALEDI: Kopano.

KOPANO: Naledi?!
He said, looking confused.
I sat down and he quickly scurried to walk away.


He slowly sat down

NALEDI: Tell me. How well do you know Gondongwana Zwide?

KOPANO: I ...I don't know him.

NALEDI: Don't fucking play stupid with me. I have 2 bodyguards all around this place . Fuck around and find out.

Hee Naledi! Playing with fire here.

KOPANO: Look I don't want any trouble.

NALEDI: So tell me,how do you know Gondongwana Zwide?

KOPANO: I just got indirect orders from a guy saying hore di order tseo di tswa ho eya. That's it.

NALEDI: What where the orders?

KOPANO: Look I was just doing what I was paid to do.

NALEDI: You're starting to fucking piss me off .

KOPANO:  ....To rape you.
I took a deep breath and stood up.

NALEDI: This....Interaction never happened. Okay? You are to tell no one.

I got back into the car and told James to drive. When we arrived the house was locked meaning no one was home.

I couldn't even fathem what had just happened.
My fiancé paid a man to rape me and possibly killed my parents.

Ai Naledi! How am I going to handle this situation now ,huh?

Why did he want me that bad? Why though?
All these questions and no answers. 

I HAVE to ask him.

He arrived to the house and walked in with Karabelo.

NALEDI: Hi Belo!

KARABELO: Hi Aus'Naledi..soooo .
He said putting his bag down.

KARABELO: When is Mpho coming.

NALEDI: Soon. Real soon.
I said looking at my fiancé.

KARABELO: Cool. Let me go hit the books,I have a important project I need to get started on.
He left and went up to his room.

ZWIDE: My love.

NALEDI: Zwide.
He walked towards me and wrapped his hands around my waist.

ZWIDE: How was your day.

NALEDI: Eventful.

ZWIDE: Tell me about it.

NALEDI: If you found out that ...maybe Bokang or Max ..or even Nathi betrayed you or pulled strings to ,I don't know to get your friendship to work,how would you take that?

ZWIDE: Firstly I'd assess the situation. I'm happy in our friendship.  They're good people and honestly doesn't matter now.

NALEDI: And what if they killed your parents?

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