Chapter 29

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Hi...Naledi Raboroko here. It's been an amazing 15 years down the road. Raising Nqoba has been the greatest gift God has ever gifted me. I can't say he doesn't remind me of his father because he does...and I mean in everything, especially his little temper but we're working on it. Well as a 39 year old mother of a son,I've had my fair share of challenges with him. When he hit twelve there was this father son competition and he couldn't go...and from there he wanted his father in his life...a qala a bua siZulu mo ai! It hasn't been easy but I'm copping, we both are.
It's a Friday afternoon and I planned a little dinner to celebrate his report mark. I must say he is a bright young man. But his little tendencies of coming home late are starting to get on my nerves.


NALEDI:Where are you,it's almost 4 o'clock.

NQOBA: I'm outside the gate ma.
I opened up and he came limping in.

NALEDI: And then wena?

NQOBA: I don't want to talk about it.
He said walking inside the house.

NALEDI: Drop the attitude young man. What happened today at school? Who did this to you?

NQOBA: This guy I met on my way home.
Damn he looked beat up.

NQOBA: And ma ,I didn't even do anything!

NALEDI: Okay we both know that you're lying.  Why would a stranger rough you up like this?

NQOBA: Angazi ma.(I don't know ma)

NALEDI: Ohhh ,this Zulu thing of yours e tlong bore'a.

NQOBA: Mama I'm Zulu. My name is literally Nqobizitha. The most Zulu name out there.
He said throwing his bag on the couch.

NALEDI: You know sometimes you remind me of your uncle, Karabelo .

NQOBA: Why don't I ever remind you off dad. You never even speak about him!

NALEDI: Watch your tone young man.

NQOBA: No ma! Aunt Nandi always tell Onkarabile about her dad but you...

NALEDI: Go live with Nandi then!

NQOBA: Fine!
He grabbed his bag and headed for the door.

NALEDI: Nqobizitha don't you dare walk out that door!

NQOBA: Just tell me about my father ma...that's all I ask.

NALEDI: I will when the time is right.

NQOBA: Was I not enough? Did he not want me?

NALEDI: No are my everything, you're more than enough. Your father was just too stupid to realize.
I said kneeling down infront of him.

NQOBA: What was he like?
I took a deep breath.

NALEDI: He was ...loving,he had alot of love to give. He was persistent.  Whatever he wanted he made sure he got.

NQOBA: Just like me.

NALEDI: Yes baby, just like you. He was caring, he was charming...he swept me right off of my feet.
I said holding him by the hand.

NQOBA: Do you still love him.
I stood up and shook my head.

NALEDI: It's been what,almost 16 years now.

NQOBA: Come on ma...I can tell you still do. The way you light up when you talk about him.Why did you guys break up.

NALEDI: Our relationship wasn't perfect. We just couldn't work around those imperfections, unfortunately.

NQOBA: I wonder how he's doing now.

NALEDI: Me too....
He came in for a hug and I kissed his forehead.

NQOBA: Oh come on ma,I'm too grown for kisses.

NALEDI: Oh please...tell me about this little bully at school.
We went to the couch and sat down.

NQOBA: Well I was about to go talk to this girl Lusanda...but then she told me I should leave her alone.  Then she went on to say that her uncle would mess me up if I didn't leave her alone.

NALEDI: Well did you leave her alone.
He scratched the back of his head.

NQOBA: Ma you should've seen how pretty she was.

NALEDI: Nqoba come on!

NQOBA: Wait for it....then after school she came to me with 3 other dudes...and ma they were big. They told me to apologize to Lusanda...

NALEDI: Well did you?
He scratched the back off his head again.

NQOBA: I kinda didn't and the one done pushed me to the ground.  And ma look ,I'm a man if integrity and pride...

NALEDI: Yoh utlwang ...a 15 year old?

NQOBA: Mamela ou'lady...I pushed that guy back and ai he got mad and gave me a slap across the face PAHH .Afterwards he gave me a whole speech on how I should respect older people and women blah blah blah...

NALEDI: I hope you learnt your lesson...and how does a push and a slap bring you back home limping?

NQOBA: Yoh ma,that guy ke beast! He nearly killed me ,oh and he said next time I go to school I better go with back up.
Ai ..i guess I'm going to have to stand up to three men at my son's school tomorrow.

You see ,it's times like these I wish his father was here.

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