Chapter 30

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NALEDI: Wake up, you're going to be late for school.
I yelled from the kitchen.

NQOBA: Ngi yeza Ma (I'm coming ma)
He yelled back from his room .I absolutely hate it when he speaks Zulu because he sounds exactly like Zwide..

He finally got ready up we drove down to his school.

NALEDI: Do you think they're actually here Nqoba?

NQOBA: I'm telling you ma ,those dudes mean business.
My son was obviously shaken up about this situation. Who in the right mind would rough up a 15 year old like that?

NQOBA: Oh ma! There's his car..
I quickly unbuckled my seat belt.

NALEDI: Stay in the car ,I'll be right back.
I said waltzing over wearing my stilettos and a pan suit to confront my sons bullies.

NALEDI: Hello! Hiiii!
I yelled, waving my hand over the tinted windows of the car to get the drivers attention but nobody opened the door.

NALEDI: Bathong! Get out the car please we need to talk.
And out from the backseat came heart stopped for a good second.

I swallowed hard as the other back seat door opened and Nkululeko came out.

NKULULEKO: Yo ,Naledi?

NALEDI: Uhmm..I'm sorry, I have the wrong car.
I said turning around confused as hell. What is going on...these men haven't changed at all. 15 years down the road and they still look as young as ever and how do they still remember me. After I have birth to Nqoba I changed drastically....

Nqoba came running out th car.

NQOBA: Mama what are you doing? What did they say? .... oh there he is!
He yelled pointing behind me.

NQOBA: The guy that pushed me ma.
When I turned around, Zwide came out the front door of the car. Not today God,please not today.

NALEDI: Nqoba go get in the car.

My eyes were completely stuck to Zwide and assessing how much he had changed .When they say cancer changes people he's the definition. He still managed to contain his build but the structure of his face's more rough and...why is he walking straight at me?

ZWIDE: Long time no see.
My body started shaking, breathing skyrocketed! This can't be happening...I'm not ready for this.

NQOBA: Ma come on I think we should just go.
He said pulling my arm for us to leave.

He asked coming even closer.

ZWIDE: Naledi, is that my son?


ZWIDE: Then why did he just call you Ma?

NALEDI: You don't have a son,remember? You left him while he was still in my womb.  I raised him all by myself so you sir do not have a son.
He walked past me and looked straight at Nqoba .

NALEDI: Don't you dare.

ZWIDE: What's your name boy?

NQOBA: Uhmm Nqobizitha.

ZWIDE: Nqobizitha.
He repeated with a thick Zulu accent.

ZWIDE: Who's your father?

NALEDI: Nqoba...go to the car right now!

NQOBA: I don't have one.
Yoh this boy!

ZWIDE:How old are you?

NQOBA: I'm 15 years old.
Zwide turned to look at me.

ZWIDE: We need to talk.

NALEDI: I have nothing to say to you! Just stay away from my son.

ZWIDE: Your son? Your son?

NALEDI: Yes my son! The one I raised all by myself while his deadbeat father couldn't..

ZWIDE: While his deadbeat father was battling cancer!  Or did the mother forget?

NQOBA: Mama,what's going on?

NALEDI: This stranger just likes attention. Let's go my boy.

ZWIDE: You can't keep me away from my son Naledi!
Nqoba turned around and faced Zwide.

NQOBA:I'm your son?

ZWIDE: Yebo Nqobizitha. (Yes.)
Nqoba let go of my hand .

NALEDI: Nqoba don't you dare go to him,listen to mommy for once!

NQOBA: Mama is he really my father?

NALEDI: Baby I...

NQOBA: Is this man my father?
He yelled

I whispered.
Nqoba ran to Zwide to give him a hung and Zwide reciprocated it in turn.

NQOBA: Baba. (Dad)

ZWIDE: Ndodana .(Son)
Why does it feel like I've just lost my son?....

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