Chapter 20

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One thing I hate about being pregnant, is the number of times I need to use the bathroom. I woke up and.....Zwide wasn't there. Heh banna!

I checked to see if he texted why he needed to leave but dololo. Couldn't he just have woken me up and told me he needed to leave? A note,a message or something! What if I was dying and we wasn't there. Let me call this man.


Ohh okay so he doesn't answer my calls? Shap.
I got out the bed ,went to the bathroom and did what I needed to do.  After I grabbed a pair shorts and a hoodie and called an Uber. Two can play at this game.

My Uber arrived and dropped me off at McDonald's. Time to eat.


I hit the hooter a couple of times for Ntsika to know I was outside,he rushed out and to open the gate.

I walked out the car and he led me into his house.

ZWIDE: So ...?

NTSIKA: No hello, no how are you?

ZWIDE: The only reason I'm here is because you said Nkosana did something that has to involve my woman manje khuluma.(Now talk.)

NTSIKA: Nkosana didn't get shot,he lied about it.

ZWIDE: And how do you know?

NTSIKA: He told me about it.

ZWIDE: Why would he tell you?

NTSIKA: He thought I hated you as much as he did. So I guess h found someone to confide in.

ZWIDE: What does this have to do with Naledi?

NTSIKA: He told me that he told Ntombizodwa to poison Naledi in order to kill the child. And apparently Phindile is in on the act as well.

ZWIDE: Nkululeko?

NTSIKA: He knows nothing.

ZWIDE: Thank you for telling me. You will he highly rewarded.

NTSIKA: king.
We shook hands and I left. When I got to the guesthouse I noticed our room door was unlocked and Naledi was nowhere to be found.



Why hasn't he called me yet? What if he went out ho lo feba?



NALEDI: O batlang?

ZWIDE: Uguphi? (Where are you.)

NALEDI: Where are you?

ZWIDE: I'm where you're supposed to be.

NALEDI: Too bad I'm not.

ZWIDE: I'm giving you 10 minutes to get your pregnant ass here.

NALEDI: Tlong late. Akere o na le petrol wena,you can drive off in middle of the night without telling me.

I hung up and shoved some fries in my mouth. Roughly about 10 minutes later he showed up at the McDonald's.

He paid for my meal and literally picked me up from the chair and took me to the car. Talk about a drama king.

ZWIDE: What's your problem?
I kept quiet and got into the car.

ZWIDE: Naledi.

NALEDI: Drive ,I want to go sleep.
I sighed and drove us back in silence.

When we arrived he crossed his arms and stood infront of me where I was changing back to my pajamas.

ZWIDE: I'm going to ask you one last time,what's your problem?

NALEDI: Askies.
I said pushing him out the but ofcourse he didn't budge.

NALEDI: Ke batla ho pass'a ntate.

ZWIDE: I'll wait.

NALEDI: Kampane ra tlwella hee.
I got into the bed sheets and went to sleep.

My alarm woke me up the next morning and Zwide wasn't in bed. I sat up and saw his crazy ass still standing where I left him last night, fuming angry. His eyes trailed down to my stomach where my pajama shirt had lifted, revealing my little baby bump.

I gently caressed it....

NALEDI: Morning baby,how'd you sleep? You're growing so fast. Check how angry daddy is.
I said turning to face him.

NALEDI: He's angry because I did the same thing he did to me. Crazy right?! He thinks just because hes the damn king now he can do whatever, whenever....not with me,nope. Well not anymore atleast.

ZWIDE: Naledi...

NALEDI: I hope you're a boy. So you can protect mommy from daddy when he's mad.

ZWIDE: Naledi stop it.

NALEDI: Maybe one day we'll be able talk about your father and the things he did to me. You had grandparents....

ZWIDE: Naledi!
He yelled, shutting me up. A single tear fell from my eye.

NALEDI: I hope my child grows up to be nothing like you.
I got off the bed and he roughly pushed me back . He unbuckled his belt and came in for a bruising game kiss . My hands swiftly took off my pajamas pants.

He took off his shirt and nothing but  second later ,my panties were pushed to the side and he was inside of me.

Just what I needed. He was gentle and slow  and .....not what I wanted.

NALEDI: Go faster.
I whispered into his ear,arousing him even further.

ZWIDE: Naledi umithi. I don't want to hurt you(You're pregnant)

NALEDI: Since when do you care?
He slipped out of me and rubbed the back of his head.

ZWIDE: We need to get ready ....

NALEDI: No answer me. Since when do you care about how I feel?
I said wearing my clothes

ZWIDE: I really don't feel like arguing with you right now.

NALEDI: You know how angry I was when I woke up and you weren't there? I was fumig but because I'm weak and small and fragile I can't do anything but since you ...since you are strong and big and violent you get to shove your anger in my face.

ZWIDE: Go get ready.

NALEDI: Fuck you Dingiswayo.

ZWIDE: Don't call me that.

NALEDI: That's who you are.
His hand quickly backhanded my face making me fall onto the bed. Did he just slap me?....

ZWIDE: Naledi...I'm sorry,  I didn't mean to.
He said walking towards.

NALEDI: Don't touch me.
I took my stuff and walked out the room. I called an Uber to take me to the airport. How dare he lay a hand on me ...after he promised me he wouldn't.

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