Chapter 2

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A man that did what?

SPHE: Guess you didn't know huh?

NALEDI: O bua kang?

SPHE: That man of yours,killed your parents and you wanna know how I know?

NALEDI: I don't have time for this bullshit.
I got up and proceeded to walk away.

SPHE: Kopano told me!
How does he know him?

What the hell is going on.?

NALEDI: How do you know him?

SPHE: A friend of a friend. Long story short, your fiancé basically threatened your parents to literally give you to him and when they refused ...he killed them.

NALEDI:Stop lying!

SPHE:Ask the fucker.
I don't know what to believe.
I rushed out the basement with my heart beating right out of my chest.That's not what Zwide told me.

The night dawned and Zwide came back with Karabelo. My feelings were all over the place but I had to keep my composure for my brother.

KARABELO: Hi aus'Naledi. Where you able to find her? Find something out maybe?

NALEDI: Yeah uhmm ,she's at Aunt Leratos place. She just forgot to tell us.

KARABELO: Why is she there?

NALEDI: Is she not family Karabelo? Look im tired. There's food in the fridge if you're hungry.
I went up to the bedroom and I wore my pajamas.

ZWIDE: Naledi?


ZWIDE: Where is Mpho.

NALEDI: Hao bathong I...

ZWIDE: I'm not a child .

NALEDI: I never said you were.

ZWIDE: What's wrong?

NALEDI :Nothings wrong.

ZWIDE: Ai okay.
I rinsed my face and got to bed. A few minutes later he got in too. His hand slowly pulled me in closer to his body.

I'm stuck in between believing his word and by now I should know that I can trust him ,and on the other hand Sphesihle ke o bua taba tsa hore he killed my DAMN parents.

Should I ask him about it?

ZWIDE: Sthandwa Sam, talk to me. What's bothering you.

NALEDI: I was just worried about my sister. I thought that maybe she was dead somewhere,you know?

Damn I'm a terrible liar.


ZWIDE: Is that it?

NALEDI: What else would there be?

ZWIDE: I want us to talk.

I turned my body to face his.

NALEDI: About?


NALEDI: What about us?

ZWIDE: Naledi come on....

NALEDI: What?....what's wrong.
He sat up on the bed and rubbed his face.

ZWIDE:What are you not telling me?....Do you even  still want to be my wife.


ZWIDE: Yes what?
He said with a stern tone

NALEDI: I want to be your wife.

ZWIDE: Naledi do you even know how much I love you? I'd kill for you.

He'd KILL for me.

ZWIDE: Did you hear me?

A million thoughts are running through my head. What if he really did kill my parents to get me . But how would he have known we'd meet?


ZWIDE: Now sleep it's late.
He gave me a kiss on the forehead and I went to sleep.

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