Chapter 14

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So I HAD to get Naledi some food before she went absolutely crazy. Afterwards she took a bath which gave me some time to do a little research. So apparently the first trimester of a woman's pregnancy can really affect or change them or whatever.  The mood swings ,the morning sickness the weird food I won't be able to handle Naledi like this honestly.

I still can't wrap my head around how she got pregnant...I mean we had sex but the gynecologist clearly stated that she wouldn't be able to produce children. Maybe miracles do happen and Naledi needs to see that.

ZWIDE: Sidinga ukukhuluma.( We need to talk)


ZWIDE: Naledi we need to take every precaution to keep the baby safe...

NALEDI: What baby? My only, only child died okay. So ska tlong tlela ka moferefere ona tuu.

ZWIDE: It's time to get your act together, we need to prepare.

NALEDI: Excuse me?! You need to get your fucking act together Mr King. Forgot about that?

ZWIDE: Naledi I'm not trying to fight with you right now. Uyazi yini, konke sekuqala ukwenza umqondo manje. Awuyifuni lengane wena.(You know what ,everything is starting to make sense.You don't want this child.)

NALEDI: O reng?!

ZWIDE: Ong zwile.( you heard me)
She grabbed the car keys and her purse .

ZWIDE: Naledi...what you're trying to do won't end well for you.

NALEDI: Fuck you!
Uyahlanya lomfazi.(this woman is crazy)
I hurried behind her and picked her up.

ZWIDE: You want to act like a baby I'll treat you like a baby.
She didn't even protest. I put her down and she sat on the bed.

ZWIDE: Naledi what's wrong? Heh?
She looked away to hide the tear that fell onto her cheek. I bent lower to her level.

ZWIDE: I'm going to need you to talk to me my love. What's the problem?

NALEDI: I ...I'm scared. What if I lose the child again ,what if I make a terrible mother I...
There go those balls of emotions.

ZWIDE: Naledi I'm going to be here with you. Every step of the way,holding your hand. I know for a fact you're going to be an amazing mother. Stop doubting yourself and this gift we've been given. Do you trust me?

She gave a nod.

ZWIDE: Good ,cause at times where you don't trust yourself trust me to catch you. Ngiyindoda yakho and now the father of your child. (I'm your man)

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