Chapter 7

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NALEDI: I have to go to work Zwide.
I said removing his hand from my waist and getting up from the bed

ZWIDE: Five more minutes....

NALEDI: I don't want to lose my job ..

ZWIDE: You don't need a job sthandwa sami, I'm here for you in every way.
I walked to the bathroom and got into the shower and he went inside with me.

NALEDI: I know but I won't just stop working just because you're stinking rich.

ZWIDE: What do you want me to do about Sphesihle?

NALEDI: Anything you want my love.


NALEDI: Are you going to kill him?

ZWIDE: No. You are.

NALEDI: Zwide....

ZWIDE: He fucked with you ...played with fire when it came to the ones you love. He needs to pay and you have to make him.

NALEDI: Teach me then. How to be heartless like you.
He cupped my cheek and kissed it.

ZWIDE: I'm not heartless mama.
He said with a smile.

NALEDI: If you had a heart you wou...

ZWIDE: I wouldn't have killed your parents? Naledi I killed your parents because of my heart . The love it had for you .....

NALEDI: Why osang shela like a normal person mara.

ZWIDE: I'm not normal soo quit your job Naledi,I can provide for you and your siblings.


ZWIDE: Trust me .
I gave a nod and placed my head on his chest and I could hear his heartbeat.Maybe he does have a heart after all.

NALEDI:I'll do it.

ZWIDE: Good.

We took a shower and he drove me to work to hand in my resignation letter and my boss told me I'd have to continue working for about 3 months or until they found someone to replace me and Zwide being who he is, he pulled some strings and now I'm unemployed. I never in a million years thought I'd be a stay at home fiancé that's dependent on a man ,by choice and yet here I am.

NALEDI: Dinners ready!
I yelled from the kitchen.  I went on a  shopping spree  and I must tell you ,spending money that isn't yours feels amazing.  Oh and Mpho is back home,she is a bit shaken about what happened but I'm here for her we all are.

KARABELO: Good. I'm starving..

MPHO:I hope hase cabbage hle.

NALEDI: Bathong cabbage e monate ausi, especially ka masapo joh!

MPHO:Taba you always cook it .

NALEDI: Stop complaining. Call Zwide and tell him the food is ready.


MPHO:Mr Zwideeee!

ZWIDE: Ms Mpho?

MPHO:The food is ready.

ZWIDE: I'm on my way.
Weirdly I missed Mpho. I walked downstairs and found my fiancé dishing up food at the dinner table. I could get used to this. I'm glad she agreed to leave her job ,I'm one step closer to making her my Queen.

NALEDI: Finally. Sit . What took you so long kehla?( old man)

ZWIDE:Gahle wena.
The four of us sat down and Karabelo immediately grabbed his spoon and shoved the food in his mouth.

NALEDI: Aowa lena. Karabelo!

KARABELO: Ke lapile!

NALEDI: Before we eat, I'd like to say a word of thanks.....

Her eyes met mine across the table.

NALEDI: Thank you Zwide...for finding me and shaping me to be the woman I am now,thank you for loving and caring for my siblings like they are your own ....I appreciate it. Ngiyabonga Zwide.

ZWIDE :Your welcome my love.

MPHO: Ewwwwwww. PG 13 guys.
We laugh and ate dinner.

KARABELO:I'm not on dish duty tonight....mpho you know what to do !

MPHO: But I just got back...

NALEDI: Karabelo tsa mo hlatswa dijana and leave the child alone.

He stormed off and went to go wash the dishes while mpho went upstairs and finished off her homework, which gave Zwide and I some alone time.


ZWIDE: Come with me .
He said holding me by the hand.

NALEDI: Where are you taking me sir!

He opened the basement door.

NALEDI: Zwide....
He raised his eyebrow and I knew there was no way I could protest.

He lead me down the dark hallway and opened the door to where he kept Sphesihle.

He looked bad.

ZWIDE:Get up .
He said calmly

SPHE: So did he tell you?
He said in low whisper.

SPHE: Did he tell you he kill your parents?

ZWIDE: Get up!
This time he wasn't fucking around.

Sphe ,visibly in pain ,slowly got onto his knees.

And out of nowhere Zwide threw a bruising punch to his face making me gasp.

ZWIDE: Stand the fuck up!
He said rolling up the sleeves of his shirt.

He grabbed Sphesihle by his shirt and stood him up.

SPHE: To think of the time I almost married you ,you little bitch...
He said getting on Zwides nerves even more.

Zwide roughly threw him to the ground and kicked him in the stomach....over and over again until blood came gushing out of Sphesihles mouth. Once Zwide stopped ,he took a chair and a rope.

He proceeded to tie the rope around the pillar of the roof.

And there I was watching everything ....

ZWIDE: Naledi...if you would want to leave I'll understand.

I kneeled down to where Sphe was laying.

NALEDI: You fucked with the wrong woman.
I looked back at Zwide who patiently folded his arms.

NALEDI: Get him up.
He did as I said picked up Sphe's near to lifeless body. I took the rope and tied it around his neck.

SPHE: Naledi..Na....

NALEDI: Get on the chair.

SPHE: Naledi please...Can we talk about this...

He slowly got up with shaking knees and stood on top of it.

NALEDI: Good boy. Now jump.

SPHE: Naledi please....why can't you see that this man is using you, he killed your...
I swiftly kicked chair, making his body dangle in the air. Watching wiggle and grasp for air gave me a little rush...I liked it.

I looked at Zwide who had this smug look on his face. He walked towards me and gave me a kiss on the lips.

ZWIDE: I'm proud of you.

NALEDI: Thank you.
I said with a smile on my face....

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