Chapter 28

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Back home we were all getting ready for the funeral. I just wanted an intimate burial, just family. Once we got the graveyard it dawned on me that they actually left me. They left me all alone. My pillars of strength, the only two people I could depend on.

ONA:It's going to be okay.
She said ,rubbing my back. I didn't even realize I was crying, something I had grown accustomed to.

Two graves,to bodies and two holes in my heart.

ONA:We have to go.
She took me by the hand and led me to the car. We drove home and got to home. Right as I was about to get off ,water ran down my legs.

KATLEHO: Naledi ,is everything okay?

NALEDI: I ...I think my water just broke.
This couldn't be happening right now,I still have two months to go!

ONA:Okay...okay ....let's not panic. Naledi get back into the car and we'll drive you to the hospital...

NALEDI: Okay...this is happening. Today! Not today please Onalerona...
Katheho picked me up and gently put me in the car.

I was in excruciating pain! I felt like I was about to tear open!

NALEDI: Ahhhhhhhh .....Onalerona drive fucking faster!!
I yelled wiping the sweat off of my forehead.

ONA:I am!
She yelled ,while Katleho rubbed my hand.

NALEDI: That's not helping!
I gritted at him.
We arrived at the hospital and was put in a wheelchair.

NALEDI: Please get this child out of me!
I yelled to the nurse who prepped me to be taken to the delivery room.

NURSE: We're almost there...take deep breaths Ms Raboroko.

I was dressed in a hospital gown.

NURSE: Ms Naledi do you want an epidural or...

NALEDI: I want a natural birth.
Like my mother.
I positioned myself on the delivery doctor came in an told me it was time.

DOCTOR: It's time Naledi, I need you to push for me okay. Deep breaths in.

He counted to one and I pushed as hard as I could.
I never screamed so much in my life! I never want children ever again!

DOCTOR: One last time Naledi ...come on!
I pushed again and the room was filled with a little cry....

The doctor placed my little baby boy on my chest. He looked so beautiful, he had my eyes for sure...but other than that he looked completely like his father.

NALEDI: Hi baby...hi my baby boy.
I cooed at my son.

DOCTOR: I'm going to cut the umbilical cord now Ms Raboroko.
I nodded and with a snap ,it confirmed that my baby was all mine

NURSE: Do you have any names in mind?
Yes ,I did actually. I want this boy to grow up fearless,strong, independent....I want him to overcome anything life throws at him.

NALEDI: Nqobizitha.
Meaning: Conquer the Enemies.

DOCTOR: It's a beautiful name.

Nqobizitha Raboroko, my one and only son ,my pride and joy.

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