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"He'd better not pull that kinda shit when he comes to us". Dad mutters, watching the monitors as he observes the newest signing to the team make a risky manoeuvre.

I bite my lip but say nothing. It's a risk signing Ransom Drysdale in itself than it is having him out there driving for our team. He's ruthless, but he's fast - and every team out there wants him on theirs despite the problems away from the track. He's a two time world champion and my father has been waiting for his contract with Zephyr to enter its final year before approaching him to make negotiations about perhaps signing for us.

To my surprise, he agreed - stating that with the way Zephyr were building their cars, they could "eat shit". He already told his team principal he would be leaving and the next day was on the phone to my father to negotiate his contract. You can tell that it's been like a divorce for Zephyr, Ransom has been with them since starting as a rookie and the tension in their pit has been obvious for all to see.

The way my father sees it though, is that they've had their time to shine - now it's ours. It's a gamble though, even he knows that - but apparently he's going to be laying out the terms and conditions at his pre season meeting.

We're on our last race of this season though, and after the last few years I still find even the smallest of accidents hard to watch. But I had to keep going. I couldn't keep away from the track, it would've become a fear that would hold me back. I wouldn't have been able to escape it seeing as it's in the blood. After a couple of years just being out photographing pictures of families, weddings etc - I joined Vipera as their team photographer. I'm there behind the scenes and on the sidelines. Everywhere. I've had to prove it wasn't being a daddy's girl that brought me the luck. It was the talent - plus I know my way around well enough by now.

"I mean it got him where he wanted to be". I shrug.

"Yeah but he could've wrecked his car and ours, that's millions of pounds worth of damage". Dad rolls his eyes. "He's gonna need a wake up call when he starts with us".

I glance to him from being stood by the monitors. "Can you just watch what our drivers are doing, and not the future ones?"

Dad shakes his head, turning back to the monitors and watching as Everett and Falsworth cross the line, securing positions of p3 and 4. It's a win in my eyes, but it's not enough for him. The rumours about us having trouble with Ransom next season are already talk amongst the media. Dad has simply laughed it off to them during interviews, but I can tell he'll be laying down the usual ground rules - even more so to him.

Taking off his headset, he goes to congratulate the pair and then to his office that's set between the driver rooms in the paddock. His assistant hurries after him and I go back to snapping some pictures as the drivers come in.

And that's a wrap. Now the new cars get built and the drivers can have some well earned time off - although for dad work never stops. Even on holidays he takes calls and emails despite his out of office being on.

As I go to follow them out into the paddock, I see Ransom heading out with Sammy. Since Ari died, Sammy took over as his trainer, so he wasn't out of the job completely. It's still unclear whether Ransom asked him but I doubt it. He gives me a wave as he sees me and says something to Ransom who always seems to look at me as though I'm something that offends him.

"Good race, Well-done". Sammy says as he comes over with a glaring driver in tow. "Looks like we'll be wearing the same colours next season, I've been saying to Ransom that he'd look better wearing Vipera"

I smirk. "So you're the genius who got him to sign with us".

Ransom snorts. "Like hell he is - I've been waiting for my damn contract to end for ages".

My eyes go to him. "And we're looking forward to having you - dad especially".

He shrugs. "Everyone wants me, you guys just got lucky".

Did I mention his ego is ten times fucking bigger than it was a few years ago?

The comment alone makes the irritation flare inside of me a little - as though a big brand still isn't good enough if he's not driving for them. No wonder dad is going to have words. He hasn't said what about yet, but it'll be a warning for sure. If the driver isn't delivering what you expect? Their seat is gone, even though the risk of it always being on the line is constant.

"I'd say the same for you, although you're gonna need more than just luck with us Drysdale - anyway, have a nice time off, I'll see you before next season starts".

I turn and walk away, wondering whether I've just made an enemy of him before anything's even started.

"Is she for real?" I hear him ask Sammy. "I'm starting to wonder how the fuck Ari ever put up with her".

That was a cheap shot. One that stings too. I want to turn around and punch him straight in the face, but with all the cameras around I can't afford to cause a scandal after a successful season. Instead I swallow my pride and continue walking.

He can take shots at me for all he likes, but with Ari? I draw the line.

This next season is going to be a brutal one for all different reasons. I can sense it already.

Off Track (Ransom Drysdale AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now