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Ransom  - Miami Grand Prix

Race day, and I'm pumped.

Honestly, I can't wait to get out there to try and score us some more points. The car hasn't exactly been playing ball, but it's been enough to keep us in the top ten. Ari and me have bitched to the mechanics and engineers more than once to get it sorted, but no matter what they do it just doesn't seem enough.

At least Ari won't have to deal with this much longer. Just the other day he told me that he was in negotiations with Vipera about driving for them next year.


"Ready Ran?" Speak his name and he shall appear.

"I'm always ready". I say confidently. I've been ready since six am.

"Your ass looks big that suit". Ari smirks to me and I flip him off.

"Fuck you Levinson - I'd say your head is getting too big for that helmet of yours".

He shrugs at this. "What can I say? I am the better driver".

I snort, "Yeah right, we'll see who is later out on the track".

Of course there's friendly competition between us. It's for the drivers championship after all. He says he's better than me, and I just tell him that he's past his expiry driving date and to let the young ones have their time.

Ok, he's late thirties so I know he's not that old - but he's one of the oldest driver's out there. His Girlfriend is late twenties I think. I know she's a couple of years younger than me. I do enjoy calling him an old man though.

Ari just laughs it off as usual and then goes to his room, a second pair of footsteps following that must be Sutton's.

I've never really spoke to her apart from the odd good morning and stuff. She's the daughter of Guy Giles, who used to be a driver himself but now is the CEO of Vipera. Of course she's probably there because of daddy - it's a free pass practically. Anyway, there was this whole thing about Ari sneaking about with her and who had to help cover?

Yep. Me.

Something about her dad not liking the idea of her dating a driver on an opposing team and with Ari, it all boiled down to media attention and how it could probably make for bad press.  Sure, I can see why it would. People pitting Vipera and Zephyr against one another more, a lot of untrue rumours etc.

Rather him than me.

Anyway, their sneaking around lasted a year and then last year it all came out. Guy wasn't best pleased but somehow came around to the idea of them. As for the team management? Well, they've just had to suck it up and deal with whatever press is thrown their way, Ari's management included.

Either way, no one's died because of it or whatever dramatics people expected. Personally I didn't see a problem with them dating, if anything it's brought more positive media attention to us and the F1 scene. Sometimes I swear people just overreact before anything has actually happened.

"Ransom, interview time". Marta says as she comes in along with my manager, Blanc.

"Sure thing" I reply and get my drink bottle, heading out alongside them.

On getting back over an hour later, I can hear Ari talking to someone in his room. His voice is rising, angered. It's not Sutton who he's angry with, no way. It's someone else. I try not to listen in but it's too hard.

"You know what Lloyd? You're a selfish fuck, you always have been. My mom raised you and you can't even spare so much as an hour to go and see her?" Ari fumes and then is silent for a moment. "So move shit around? Make the time. I have...no...oh fuck you, asshole!"

Off Track (Ransom Drysdale AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now