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"Well don't you look as pretty as a picture". Sammy says as he comes up to me at the party. "Go easy on the champagne - save it for the podium".

I can't count the number of bottles I've been sprayed with and have sprayed people with over the last few years. In truth being up there as the winner is the only thing that really makes me happy - and being happy takes a lot nowadays. Well, I say that - but even growing up was a complete shit show. F1 is my escape.

I'm currently dressed in my race suit, the Vipera logo that consists of a snake rising from inside the middle of a V adoring it alongside our sponsor's logo. It's just until the car is unveiled and then I'll go and get changed into the usual team shirt and cap.

"Whatever". I smirk and take another sip. I've only had one anyway - a few years ago I'd probably have been drinking a hell of a lot more. Under contract I'm not allowed to on race weekends which is understandable, but after a win I can celebrate.

"Sutton looks nice tonight". He says and looks over to where she's talking with some of the engineers, as well as my teammate - Curtis. I do have to admit the dress she's wearing suits her, skimming in all the right places and emphasising what she wants people to see.

Stop looking at her ass douchebag.

I just nod and turn back to Sammy. "She looks ok", shrugging it off like I always do and have done. When I first came to Zephyr she was untouchable, the enemy in our team's eyes.

Everyone's but Ari's...

I wonder what he'd make of this shit, I'd bet he's turning in his grave right now. Marta is gonna have her work cut out this year that's for sure. She's not here tonight, but I know once the season gets down she's going to shutting down rumours and all sorts.

As well as Sammy following me around and trying to tell me what to do Marta Cabrera is my PA and minder. She's the one you'll see holding the device recording all my interviews, the one who will shut down shit when reporters take it a step too far. I gotta give the girl some credit, she's good at what she does, especially in the past.

"Ah there you are!" I suddenly hear Sutton's voice cut through my thoughts brightly, and see her there with with Curtis, coming over to us.

"Hey you" I smirk and lean in, giving her a kiss on the cheek and putting on my best boyfriend charade.

Because that's what this shit is.

Her perfume hits me. I've never really noticed it before but I do realise that she actually does wear it a lot. She did when we went out the other day, but also I have noticed it lingering in the past.

"Dad wants to know if you're ready to unveil the car with him?"

I down the rest of my champagne and all but slam the glass back against Sammy's chest, the asshole in me coming out once more. "I'm always ready".

Sutton nods and I slip her arm through mine, leading her over to where Guy is talking to a few people. He looks extremely satisfied on seeing the both of us looking loved up and then turns to give us his full attention. "You two are enjoying the evening so far?" He asks.

I nod. "I'd rather be cracking open the champagne on the podium, but we've got time - just need a quick car". I eye him knowingly.

"Well I'd say we've certainly got that this year, and with you and Curtis? I'm counting on top three pole positions".

It's never guaranteed. anything can throw us out and cost us a position such as someone else's fuck up, problems with car itself or even something as simple as a puncture. I can tolerate Curtis, he's a good driver. Do I wanna kick his ass out there every time? Yeah, of course I do - just as much as he wants to kick mine. We do a lot of PR together in the run up and during race season anyway, so I've got to know him to an extent. Like I said. I can tolerate him.

"Let's hope we can get that championship in the bag again then". I say, full of confidence as well as ego inflation. It's not hard to massage it, although I do believe that aside from Guy, Sutton's the only person who won't.

It still is pissing me off that he has this hold over me. I'm used to going about, doing my own thing. I've wanted to join Vipera for years so I'm not about to fuck up his precious team.

Could fuck up the daughter though...

Don't go there Ransom. The only line you need to cross is the finish line.

Curtis and I stand either side of the car that's covered up currently, ready to unveil as Guy begins to make his speech about the team. The cameras are here tonight for the documentary, hence why Sutton and I have to play ball. Marta's has already warned me that they'll also be following me around right before pre season testing begins. I don't even get much of a break when I'm meant to, well not now fucking Netflix is around. Apparently they're talking about following us next season as well if all goes well.

Fuck my life.

Guy finishes talking and both Curtis and I pull back the cover to reveal this year's car - and fuck it looks amazing. I've always thought Vipera have had pretty good cars, and even with my wins with Zephyr - it was a struggle. But this year's looks insane, and I'm sure that going by the reactions of everyone here, they think the same as me.

I glance over to Sutton who is back talking quietly amongst a couple of people she's with, pointing out various features of the car. Others move closer to circle around it and admire it themselves.

"Think we're onto a fucking winner here, providing that Hydra won't be coming up with anything as near to this". Curtis says as we now stand next to one another and allow everyone who wants to look at the car to do so.

"Let them try". I say cockily, a huge smirk on my face.

The only way we wont be scoring any points or podiums this year pretty much rests with me. One fuck up and I'm out.

I hope Guy realises just how much he's betting on, because if he loses me? Vipera won't be going into next year as winners.

Off Track (Ransom Drysdale AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now