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Off all the things that Vipera could've wrangled into the negotiations, it had to be her. Ari's ex. Could there be anything more messed up than her own father arranging a PR relationship for is? And for what? To keep my seat that's what.

It's a big price. Formula One is a cutthroat business - you don't deliver then you're out, but Guy has laid down the terms for me already. I fuck up and give attitude on and off the track? I'm out.

For the first time in my life I'm speechless, and that doesn't happen a lot. I'm the one who's always trying to keep my distance from the other drivers, including my teammate. It's more because I want to be focused, but also I've never really liked socialising at the best of times. My contract has me doing every piece of promotional shit under the sun though, and so I have to talk to the press always as well as attend events both inside and outside of the team. I feel like I have cameras up my ass all the time, the 'celebrity status' has certainly gone to my head though - I love the perks. I just don't like having all eyes on me when they're not meant to be at times. Sometimes I just want my privacy as much as anyone else. But it doesn't seem to be an option when you carry the 'World Champion' status.

Now eyes are going to be on me more than ever.

I have to be an asshole, it's who I am. If I'm not then I'm not getting the pole positions or even being where I am now.

The top of my game.

My family doesn't come to the races. They never have. I distanced myself from them once I got into the career, Walt even laughed in my face and told me I'd only end up crashing and burning.

Look who's had the last laugh.

I have a great house, vintage car, girls rallying around me that probably don't even know the first thing about motorsport. What's more is that I really do love racing - just not the extra shit that comes with it. When I'm out on the track, I feel alive, even though there's always the risk of...

Well, yeah...

I know the risks, just like everyone else out there. If I was too much of a pussy then I wouldn't be doing it. I take every chance I get, sometimes I fuck up - but if it means making a move that will help me to win? I'll take that and the penalties any day.

I'm staying in a hotel for the night, given that headquarters isn't based in London. I made the move from Boston back when I signed with Zephyr. It was a no brainer, I wanted to be as far away from my family as possible - and where better than across the pond?  Besides, most team events happen in London anyway, so it made sense to be near.

Sammy's been waiting for me, having said he was coming along for 'moral support'. Like fuck he was, he just wants to know the outcome of the meeting as well as make me train.

I hate training - but I have to do it if I wanna be ahead of the rest still.

When Ari died, Sammy took a break from the F1 scene - his time to grieve. I don't blame him, he knew Ari for a long time, going back even before he got into racing. It was Blanc who brought him back to work with me, seeing that I wasn't getting along with my old trainer and pretty much losing sight of everything. I'm not gonna lie - I was pleased to see him. That's a rare thing in itself. Now here we are a couple of years later, and whatever shit I throw at him - he takes.

"Well?" He asks as I all but slam the door. "I'm guessing it didn't go well?"

"I should've told him to eat shit".

Sammy rolls his eyes. "Ran, you can't tell the CEO of Vipera and your Team Principal to eat shit. He pulls the strings".

"Yeah, he made that fucking clear to me when he told me that I have to go full on PR with his daughter to keep my damn seat". I throw back.

His mouth parts slightly, trying to find something to say before it shuts again. "He wants you to date Sutton?" He asks quietly.

I know what's going through his mind. The same thing as mine.

Sutton Giles is Ari's girl. She always has and will be in everyone's eyes. When this breaks it's gonna be big. Everybody knows her as well as me.

"Yeah..." I half laugh, still in disbelief that it's come to this. Perhaps I should've just stayed with Zephyr and risked driving another shit heap of a car for another year. "It's messed up. They want me to curb the attitude and look appealing for the brand and public".

"I mean, you have to anyway, but this? Geez". Sammy shakes his head. "And Sutton's agreed?"

I shrug. "I don't know, I was outta there as she was walking in - but I can only imagine that she'll give into daddy's demands. You said to me that Guy Giles was a fair man, how the fuck is this fair?" I now try to lay the blame of signing with Vipera solely on him, although I know it's all on me.

"Hey, don't you pin this on me asshole - he's always been reasonable since I've known him".

"He'd have never pulled this kinda shit with Ari". I mutter to myself and grab a can of Red Bull from the mini fridge. "Let's just hope that Sutton's said no -although I doubt it". Not when she's the CEO's daughter. She's got Vipera blood through and through. The team comes first no matter what.

Sammy looks at me. "Ran, I know you're still..."

"Can we just go and fucking run or something? Maybe while we're at it you can push me under a bus?"

I don't wanna talk about what he's about to bring up. It always happens and I push it away. He knows when not to press further and thankfully he senses this, dropping the subject straight away.

"We can run, but I'm not about to go down for your murder just because you have to go through a whole PR relationship. How long's it meant to be anyway?"

"The whole damn season - maybe longer depending".

Sammy grabs a couple of bottle of water. "Get changed. We're gonna be needing a longer run I think..."

For once, I couldn't agree more.

Off Track (Ransom Drysdale AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now