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"And then he told me that he offered to pay for Ari's funeral and that his mum refused". I say as I move on top of Ransom that evening. I'm gonna have a combination of jet lag and just fucked tomorrow when I get back to the UK.

"What?" Ransom looks a little surprised as he looks up at me, hands keeping me on him as his hips move to meet mine.

"I know - and he also still pays for her keep, but he says he wants to make things up with me but I just don't know how to feel about it all".

Ransom scoffs. "Do you even know if it's true? That he offered to pay and stuff?"

I shake my head, gasping a little as I try to keep my ever building climax at bay. "No idea..."

He's silent aside from a few soft grunts that he lets out, then speaks. "There's only one person who can tell you whether it happened..."

I stop for a moment. "No..." I say and then continue trying to get my head back into the impending orgasm. "No, I haven't spoken to her since the funeral".

I won't admit that I was too scared to call Ari's mum after. I said I'd keep in touch and I haven't. I feel slightly ashamed - especially if she's seen the media coverage of me and Ransom. Maybe she thinks that I'm now betraying her son's memory. The truth is that I didn't know what to say to her back then and I still don't now.

"Maybe it's time you did". Ransom says, thrusting harder up inside of me.

"You sound like my mum, she's practically told me to go get therapy".

He chuckles in his Boston tone and nods to himself. "If I can count the number of times someone has said that to me - fuck, how tight do you wanna squeeze me Sutt?" I can tell he's close to exploding and say nothing more until we both end up coming hard against one another.

I roll off and lie next to him, staring at the ceiling while I try to steady my breathing.

The silence hangs in the air. "Sooooo..." I start and then turn my head to look at him. "Erm...was that good for you?"

I have no idea why it gets awkward like this after sex. He knows my body well enough by now, and it's a little scary that he knows just where to hit to make me come hard and moaning his name with ease.

Maybe he knows you better than you first thought? But do you know him like you think you do?

"Yeah, good...it always is..." he says and stares at the ceiling. "So...you think you'll go see Ari's mom?" He changes the subject back to what Lloyd told me earlier.

I know I'm gonna have to if I want to know whether Lloyd is telling the truth.

"Maybe - you gonna ever see a therapist like others have asked you to?"

"Like fuck I am". He snorts. "I don't need any of that psychological cleansing bullshit where someone asks how I'm feeling every damn week - I get enough of that from Sammy". He rolls his eyes and gets up. "I'm gonna hit the shower, unless you wanna jump in first?"

I shake my head. "You go ahead" and watch as he gets up and walks naked into the hotel bathroom - the shower turning on seconds later. "Hey Sutt? Think you could grab me a towel?" He yells and I get up - retrieving the fresh ones that room service left on the bed (and that we hastily threw off on coming back earlier) - then going and taking it in to him.

"It's on the hook". I tell him as I try to avert my eyes and give him privacy.

The steam from the shower is hitting my whole body by now and Ransom pulls the shower door open. "We can both fit" he simply states.

I'm fully aware that we do anyway given that the sex has been incredible.

"I mean...we've yet to try it in here..." I try to justify my reasons for joining him.

"Plus you're already naked..." his eyes trail my body up and down before he just goes ahead and pulls me in with him, then whispering deliciously in my ear "hands against the tile and bend over".

I don't argue and brave myself against them like he wants me to, feeling the tip of his cock tease up and between my  ass cheeks before his thumb circles my hole. "Ransom..." I breathe out as he then pushes into my ass.

"Hugh..." he corrects me. "Call me Hugh when we're together..."

Oh fuck.

I knew that was his real name, but never once has he ever let anyone call him that. I wanna ask whether he's sure, but I also don't wanna ruin the moment. Plus by the way he's now picking up the pace to pound into me? I won't be able to sit down tomorrow.

"Ok". I say, head getting lost in the euphoric cloud of sex that's descending over my mind.

He pumps into me, my hands trying to keep stable against the wet tile as our bodies slide in rhythm together. "Hugh..." I gasp - feeling his balls slap against my skin. "Fuck..."

"I'm gonna fill this perky little ass of yours right up, then when I'm done? I'm gonna enjoy watching me seep right back outta you..."

Something tells me that there's more he wants - another side that's begging to break out, but he doesn't want me to see it just yet.

I end up climaxing soon after and on this, he does as he says. My legs are shaking by the time he pulls out telling me to stay as I am as the mixture of my release and his runs down my legs and is washed away.

"Geez..." I manage to rasp out and finally stand up straight.

"Let's get cleaned up, we've got an early flight tomorrow..." is all he says and we do just that, getting back into bed and not saying another word for the rest of the evening.

It's funny just how normal I see this now. Because that's exactly what it's become.

Off Track (Ransom Drysdale AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now