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Monaco Grand Prix


The race that everyone has their hopes of winning more than the others - because this one is special.

Monaco brings out all the celebrities, the rich and the famous to watch the race. They're out there on their yachts, posing for the cameras. It's a whole other world compared to the kind of rich that my family are. I'm sure that given the chance, Walt would be out on a yacht and taking advantage of Harlan's cash like the rest of them. Then there's the after party at The Amber Lounge. I honestly don't wanna go but considering Sutton managed to get me outta the Australian one, I guess I should suck it up and show my face for an hour or two.

Only if she's there though - I can't do this socialising shit by myself or I'm gonna go crazy.

Sutton seems to be the only person to keep me sane these days apart from Sammy. Whether it's because of the sex I don't know, but at least I'm not losing myself like I was on the verge of.

I'm not nervous for this race, other people are. It's not so much nerves for me - it's the unknowing. The one I'm dreading though is Miami. I always struggle through it but somehow make it out the other end. Where I know that I drive shit? Others don't see it thankfully.

I'm hoping that this year will be different, that I'll actually sail through without the internal struggle of having to do laps around the track where my friend died.

At least if you win then you can picture Walt looking disappointed- pissing him off is your favourite past time.

The thought of what my family could possibly think of Sutton has crossed my mind, but at the same time I don't give a shit. Once we're done with this season we can try and regain some normality, although I just can't think that far ahead like I usually can. She's a good fuck, don't get me wrong she knows exactly how to get me going, and I'm gonna miss that aspect when it's over - but her? Will I miss her even though I'll then have to work alongside her under the narrative that we're over?

It'll be a piece of cake. You've managed to let go of other women who used to suck you before a race, just think of her as another.

Yeah. But it's not that easy. This is Sutton Giles - and somehow that makes all the difference. Probably because she's Guy's daughter.

Yep. That's it. It's because of that.

Let's face it, if it wasn't for her then you'd have lost that seat of yours by now.

I like to think that I've been a good boy. Even Marta has commended me for how I've managed to stay in line so far. It's been hard through, especially when answering questions I don't like.

"Almost race time". Marta pokes her head into the drivers room.

"Yeah, yeah - I'm coming". I say and get up - grabbing my water bottle and heading out to the pit area with her. Sutton is down there talking to Guy and comes over when I arrive.

I'm a little pissed off still as I landed P3 in qualifying yesterday due to something screwing up in the car, so she's given me space to let my head clear. P3 isn't so bad - at least I still have a chance of securing a win.

"You good?" She asks.

"Depends on how the car functions today". I say.

"Then let's just hope the issue is sorted. I know you hate losing, but the guys have been working on it. Can't win 'em all".

I nod. "I know. It's just the minor inconvenience it causes though. Irritates the shit outta me".

"Just do what you normally do and leave the rest to the guys here. Whatever position you come, you'll make up for it next weekend".

I smirk as I take my helmet. "Are we still talking about the race?"

She shoots me a warning stare. "You're already treading on thin ice with my dad, Hugh - don't try it with me as well".

I snort and give her a quick fake kiss on the cheek - then putting my helmet on. "It's the most fun thing to tread on?" I say innocently and then get into the car before she can say anything else. 

I get in position, slightly pissed that I have to stare at the back of Carlos Sainz car, but I have to admit that Ferrari are having a good year so far. Better than others. Do I wanna drive for them one day? Maybe - I'm not sure. Vipera has always been my goal and here I am. 

Let's at least stay in the top 3...


I drive as best as I can, with determination - well, at least until Hamilton pulls a shitty move trying to pass me and ends up knocking into the side of the car. I spin off, regaining control enough so that I can actually carry on, but I know the car is probably fucked in some way. It doesn't seem right. 

"You ok Ransom?" The engineer asks through the radio. 

"That fucker better get some sort of penalty for that". 

"We're on it now, Guy's talking to the stewards. Is the car ok?" 

I continue on, but know something isn't exactly right. "Not sure. It's a wonder the wheel didn't come off or something. Braking may be screwed though..." I say with uncertainty as I slow for a corner. "What position am I?" 


"Fuck". I sigh. The brakes aren't great. "I need to box, this isn't right". 

"Retire the car Ransom". 

I want to fucking punch something and head to the pits with the anger rising inside of me. I get the console and get out of the car, furious and then seeing Sutton. She comes over and puts her hands on my arms firmly to keep me in place. 

"Fucking ridiculous! Tell me he's getting a penalty!" I rage as I pull off my helmet. 

She nods calmly. "The stewards are doing so now. Come on, calm down - it's not the finish that we wanted, but we need to let it go and think about the next race". 

"Back of the car where it was hit isn't looking too great, the brakes are gone and you're lucky we brought it in when we did. There's other things too, but we're gonna go over it in the next brief". 

I see Guy still talking to the stewards and then once he's done he comes over. "They've given Hamilton a penalty". He sees my face. "I know it's shit, but let's be thankful it wasn't more serious". 

He can sense my frustration and tells me to go get weighed and then chill out in my drivers room. I storm off with Sutton following behind me. "Could you at least slow down so I can walk with you". She huffs and I do, throwing my cap off and across the room when I get to it. 

"Seriously! This is bullshit". 

"I know". She says, "But it happens - let's just hope Curtis can secure a position to keep us ahead. Take a shower, keep your cool - otherwise the media will be putting out false stories - I'll go get us both a coffee". 

I take my towel and go to shower while she heads to hospitality. 

Ok, I do feel a bit better after that, and I'm dressed and freshened up by the time she's back. "Here". She smiles lightly, "how do you feel now?" 

Thankfully I haven't got the urge to punch anything anymore. 

"Better, thanks Sutt". 

"Anyway, we have the after party tonight. You can have a drink and just chill out". 

I throw her a look. "Be honest? When have you ever seen me chilled out?" 

She shrugs at this. "True. But at least let's end the day on a good note". 

Partying isn't my thing, let alone socialising - but I know I will definitely need that drink tonight. 

Off Track (Ransom Drysdale AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now