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"What do you mean you don't know where he is? You're his performance coach!" I say to Sammy in frustration. It's been a few days since Miami and Ransom has all but done a disappearing act on everyone. Even Blanc.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm also his security officer". Sammy huffs down the line where I'm talking on the phone to him - pacing the kitchen of my flat.

I went to his home and he wasn't there. Marta has a spare key and the place was empty, nothing out of the ordinary except that he's taken his backpack with his stuff in - so I know he has his phone. I've left voicemail after voicemail, text messages - even emails. Anything to get him to notice but he just hasn't responded.

"I'll keep trying his phone, and if I hear anything then I'll let you know. I suppose he just wants a few days to clear his head and took off somewhere once he was back in London". Sammy tells me, as it's the only option we have currently. 

But where is he?

We hang up and I let out a small growl of frustration. Mum, who decided she was going to show up for moral support a couple of days ago (and hasn't left), now comes into the kitchen. "Any luck?"

I shake my head. "The man is like fucking Houdini".

"Perhaps give him some time. What with everything in the press and stuff, he probably just wants time to himself for a little while. Why don't you come back home for the time being? I don't like the idea of you being here alone and worrying".

"I know, but if I come home then dad and I won't exactly be on the best of terms either".

I can still sense the tension, even when I spoke to him last night - and that was just through the phone. I'm still annoyed at his ultimatum but with him it's the best that I'm going to get - and the clock is already ticking. 

Mum smiles lightly. "Sutton...have you thought anymore about therapy - and before you bite my head off, I only say it because you could use someone to talk about everything that's not just me or your dad".

"I'd rather focus on Ransom and convince him to take it. He needs it more than me".

If I find him...

"Then please just come and stay". Mum is all but pleading with me. "You're just as stubborn as he is!"

"Well, maybe that's why we go well together". I argue back and realise what I'm saying. "Whatever, I just hope Blanc or someone is able to track him down soon, he just seems like he's in self destruction mode at the moment - that's what's worrying me the most".

Mum nods, knowing that with me she's just fighting and losing battle. "He won't reply if you keep hassling him with messages and calls - he's probably got that from everyone, and if you know Ransom? Then you know it'll only push him further away from you".

"So you're telling me that I should do nothing?"

"That's exactly what you need to do. Let him breathe".

She's right. He's most likely on the verge of destroying his phone if anything. I'll have to just give him the space he needs, and if he really cares? He'll call me.

At least, I hope...


Two Months Later

It feels strange to just be watching Silverstone through the TV and not actually being there. Mum is busy chopping up some salad for lunch and I've just been a miserable bitch since being here. I probably was when Ari died, but this? This is a different kind of miserable. 

I haven't stayed here fully, I've been back and forth to my own place - all while trying to stop myself from sending Ransom any kind of communication. 

Did I mention that Blanc has heard from him? Yeah - he's alive thankfully, but he doesn't want to see or speak to anyone. He won't even tell us where he is. To say that I'm hurt is an understatement. Hence the constant mood that I've been walking around in. I nearly caved and almost agreed to therapy the other day, but thankfully held my ground. I know it won't make people feel any less of me as a person, but the only person I want to speak to is Ransom. 

Geez, I'm really pining now. 

"It's a nice day, we should go for a walk around one of the walking paths". Mum suggests. 

We're in the countryside and around us are walking trails, a few pubs and so on. It's a nice little village where we are - a far cry from London. It's quiet, but in my head there is only noise that isn't even the engine of a race car. It's like constant static. 

I think I'm going mad...

"Yeah..." Is all I say and slide off the chair that I'm seated at, at the kitchen island. "Think I'll go sit in the garden for a while..." 

I hear mum sigh, knowing there's really nothing else that she can say or do to lift my mood. "I'll bring lunch out there". 

Our garden isn't so much a garden - more like a massive landscape of trees, flowers, oh - and a swimming pool. Around our house are fields so it's peaceful and private enough. Sometimes the silence can be loud though. 

I try and make the most of the hot weather we're having before we're due for any sort of rain - although it would be welcomed at this point, skimming through my phone I look through a few sites, potentially to buy some more makeup. I honestly look awful lately, and usually where the dark circles are from tiredness of travelling, they're simply just from lack of sleep. 

"Here we are, have this and a nice cold bottle of cider". Mum says, putting lunch out onto the table and a bottle of strawberry and lime cider next to me. 

Yep. I need this. 

Mum and I make small talk, over anything and everything. I feel better after something to eat and drink. I've not exactly had much of an appetite lately but have pushed myself to try and eat normally. 

I glance to my phone and see that the screen is lit up. It's on silent usually so I tend to miss a lot of calls, but this one? Clearly something told me that I needed to look over. 

Grabbing the phone I slide the bar across - heart pounding out of both excitement, relief and perhaps anxiety? 


I see Mum's face change and she quickly makes herself scarce so I can talk to him. His next words don't sound like him. He just doesn't sound like him at all. 

"I need you, Sutt..." 

Off Track (Ransom Drysdale AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now