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My whole body aches but in the most delightful way the next morning. We spent the majority of the evening in different positions and trying different things. I've come so many times that my body is tired and still a little shaky - but it meant I slept well.

Ransom is still sleeping as I slide out of bed, the aches intensifying in certain places. I'm not gonna be able to sit down today. My ass is marked and he's fucked me so hard that my stomach is cramping a little. Don't get me started on my vagina...

I make for the bathroom and decide a shower will ease my body, feeling better as the warm water rains over me minutes later. Through the steam I hear the door open and then Ransom get in with me, hands sliding across my wet skin. His lips press against my shoulder and I turn to face him, our mouths meeting in a hungered kiss. "Thought you'd be out for another hour?" I say as he keeps my body pressed against his.

"And miss this? No chance". He smirks. "Damn...I marked you good..."

"Yeah and now my body's paying for it, between my legs especially". I lightly scold.

"Well I can always kiss it better?"

My lips turn up into a smile and taking this as confirmation, he kneels in front of me, tongue gently licking my aching clit and then digging inside of me. His teeth graze against me, lapping away before he returns his attentions to my now throbbing clit - sucking on it gently. One of my hands shoots out to steady myself against the shower wall while the other threads its way through his hair and slides around the back of his head. Hips then moving against his face, in gentle rhythm with his tongue.

My pants and gasps echo off the walls as he brings me to another shaking climax, and then keeps a hold of me once he's back on his feet again. "There, all better". He then murmurs, resting his forehead against mine.

He tells me he'll start on breakfast while I dry off and heads downstairs, towel wrapped around his waist while small droplets of water are still clinging to his hair.

My legs are all but begging to fall open again, but I will myself to take a break from all the orgasms and eat. However I know exactly what will turn him on...

He's busy cutting up some fruit (yes you heard me right, I've got the man back on his diet plan too), and then sees me walk in. "Sutty...are you wearing my sweater?" He eyes me. It looks more like an oversized jumper dress on me, but I nod.

"Why? Don't you like how it looks?"

He puts the knife down and turns to get a better look. "Believe me, I fucking love how it looks..." heading over his hand trails the inside of my thigh and then disappears upwards and under the sweater. "And you're not wearing any panties". Fingers trail across my clit, circling it before he gently slides two of them into me. I keep steady on him for a moment and then he pulls them out, licking them clean while his eyes stay focused on mine. "The taste of you with strawberries? Even better..."

I smirk and cup him through his towel. "Go get dressed, I'll carry on down here".

He grunts as I give him one last gentle squeeze. "Or you could come with me and we could just say "fuck everything' and actually stay in bed?"

"If you rail me again today then I'm not going to have a uterus left, or an ass for that matter because you'll have destroyed them both".

He grins. "Can't say it wasn't worth it - fine, I'll get dressed and then how 'bout we go for a drive?"

"Ransom Drysdale taking me for a drive to somewhere other than therapy? That's new".

"C'mon, it's a nice day, you said yourself you wanted to see some places, and I wanna take you". He says and then heads upstairs before I have the chance to agree.


He shows me around, places he likes to go where no one really bothers him, places he went before he moved to the UK. The house he has here was brought with money from his grandfather, who's an author. I decide to ask about his family when we grab lunch at a bar/restaurant he likes.

"Do you get on with your grandfather at least?" I ask as we eat. "He gave you the money to buy the house after all".

"Trust fund". Is all Ransom says. "We...well we have a love/hate relationship with one another. Probably because I always beat him at Go"

"Go?" I frown.

"It's a game we play. Or played - haven't seen him in years. He's turning 85 in November".

I look at my plate. "Has he not contacted you to congratulate you on your championships? Your races?"

"No, well - the first. I didn't reply as it was still early days. My parents aren't exactly the most supportive people in the world either, and as for the rest of the family? Hell no. I wouldn't even subject you to being in a room with them for five minutes".

"They sound delightful". I say as he takes a swift of beer. I don't really need to monitor his drinking as much now. He seems to have managed to sort that part out. "Do you think they know about what happened?"

He nods. "Most likely. They watch the news. Walt was probably telling everyone he told them so. He's the biggest asshole of them all. Acts high and mighty because he's in charge of the publishing company, yet in reality my grandfather gives him a book or two to publish every year and that's that. He doesn't do merchandise or promotional stuff - Netflix adaptations and all that. He doesn't like the idea. So Walt is just a sitting duck".

"Or sitting dick if he's anything to go by what you've told me". I say

He chuckles at this and smiles. The first genuinely happy one I've seen from him, like ever. "That's a good one, I'll have to use that if I ever see him again".

Hopefully not too soon.

A young boy nervously makes his way over to the table clutching a napkin. He's also wearing a Vipera shirt and cap which surprises me as I didn't think racing was big here. "Mr Ransom? Can I get your signature?" He asks as Ransom turns to look at him - little surprised.

"Sure thing kid, you like racing then?" He asks, taking the boys cap instead and signing it with a pen the waitress brings over.

The boy nods. "I do karting - I wanna be like you. Have you really quit?" He asks, looking little disappointed. "My dad said you were done?"

Ransom shakes his head. "Not done, not even close. I'm taking a vacation, recharging my batteries".

The boy's face lights up. "Ah yeah! Maybe one day I'll get to see you at a real race".

"Well if your parents wanna see England? Try and see me at Silverstone".

"Can I get a picture as well?" He asks as the mum comes over with her phone and Ransom poses for a couple before they thank us and return to their table.

I smile at him. "You just made that kid's day, you know that?"

He nods. "Yeah, I know".

"And you're serious about getting back out there?" I ask. "You wanna race again?"

"Your dad gave me until the end of next season? But I'm planning on getting back out there for that one". The determination crosses his face.

I look a little worried. "Hugh, try not to run before you walk".

"I'm not, but I need to show him and everyone I'm not done".

Off Track (Ransom Drysdale AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now