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I keep to Ransom's side like glue all evening - well, aside from when he goes to change into his team shirt and pants after we unveil this year's car. Overall it's got a good reception and looks a little intimidating in some ways. I just hope that it doesn't cost us as much as previous years in terms of accidents and repairs.

Ransom's arm slips around my waist when he returns and begins talking to a some of the mechanics.

"So when the hell did you guys get together?" One asks, "You kept it quiet".

I look to Ransom and smile with the same fondness as I used to when I looked at Ari. "Well considering we knew Netflix was sniffing about, we wanted as much time to ourselves as possible. We kinda got together at the end of last season, had a few sneaky dates when we could. Believe me, it's been hard - but if it wasn't for that bloody photographer catching us last week, we could've kept it under wraps a little longer".

I almost believe myself at this rate.

Ransom nods in agreement. "We just didn't want rumours flying that the only reason I got a seat was because of Sutton - plus there's privacy and shit".

"Some people have said you've stolen Ari's girl". One mechanic pipes up and then looks a little guilty. "I mean...not that you're anyone's to steal Sutton, but...yeah...sorry..."

I sigh. "Whatever boyfriend I get, we'll always have people commenting about me not being allowed to move on. I know Ransom was his team mate and friend - but I guess that's kinda what brought us together".

I feel the tips of Ransom's fingers pressing hard into my waist and decide to change the subject. "So, we sure that there won't be any fuck ups this year?"

"Ask Drysdale, he's the one behind the wheel - we just make any repairs if he screws up". The chief mechanic chuckles.

"Veeeeeery funny". Ransom muses, the corner of his lip turned up slightly. "Although I'm counting on a lot of wins - Sutton here is my after race celebration, so you can only imagine just what she's got in store for me".

As I look at him - trying to hide my surprise as well as the slight flush to my cheeks - I can't help but note his eyes are somewhat feral.

Fuck. He's better at this whole lying thing than I first thought that he'd be.

Now my mind is wandering to just what an after race 'celebration' with him would entail.

He hates you. It's just a lie he's spun like you to make people believe that what they're seeing is real...

After knowing him personally though, I do wonder sometimes how he is with girlfriends. And he's had a few, especially since becoming a public figure. They're all model material - even if some of them aren't that. I look a little plain in comparison.

Why the hell do you even care? You never compared yourself to anyone else before, even Ari's exes.

I take another glass of champagne from one of the waiters walking around with a tray and sip at it, feeling unsettled.

"You ok sweetheart?" Ransom leans in, still in fake boyfriend mode, and murmurs into my ear.

"Mhmm" I nod during one particularly long sip, "just feeling a little thirsty".

He nods to himself. "Same...wanna get away?" Other people are clearly listening to us, watching us - the cameras that are filming also doing the same.

I look to him and nod. "Good idea".

Of course the mechanics are now jeering and cheering him on in jest, wishing us a very good evening. Like Ransom did with his drink earlier, I down it and then take his hand, leading him through the groups of people and making for the exit. He gives the mechanics a thumbs up which makes them jeer even more and finally we're out the doors and making our way through the lobby.

Checking to make sure that no one is around - Netflix included - I drop his hand. "Thank fuck that's over with".

He grunts. "Ergh, I know - and your dad expects us to last the whole fucking season? What's he going to ask of us next? That we have sex on camera?"

"I seriously hope not - the furthest we can take it is a full on make out session after a win". I say and we head outside as the night air hits us. Surprisingly it's milder than normal for a winters night - but I'm not complaining. I'd rather that than rain. UK weather is temperamental enough as it is.

"And you'd be ok with that?"

I look to him. "You want people to see how much in love we are? We're gonna have to. Believe me that you are the last guy on earth that I'd want to make out with, just as in probably the last woman you'd want your lips on, but at this stage we're just gonna have to deal with it - get past the awkwardness and actually start getting to know one another. We've gotta be stuck with each other for most of the time anyway, so we need to make it worthwhile".

Ransom huffs out a small laugh, but nods. "All this to keep my damn seat..."

"Yeah, all this". I remind him - pointing to the Vipera logo on his shirt. "I had to do it to - so just try and not tell the journalists to 'eat shit' or whatever and we'll be fine". At this point I don't even know where we stand in terms of friendship. Well, there isn't one. We're still like acquaintances in some respects. "I'm gonna head back to the hotel".

"Well I can't exactly go back in there without you - otherwise there's gonna be questions". He says with a flicker of irritation, knowing that if I leave then he has to as well. He sees it as defeat in some ways, and I know for a fact there's nothing he hates more than losing" Let's just go before Netflix say they want to go back with us too"

That's enough to convince me, and we make for his car and drive.

Off Track (Ransom Drysdale AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now