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Australian Grand Prix

I feel Ransom's eyes on me as I walk back into our hotel room. It was his idea for us to share considering that
A) we need to make it look convincing
B) we'd be able to have a pre-race fuck with some more privacy and not just have a quickie in his drivers room where anyone could walk in easily.

This benefits us both, even if we do have to keep on with the Oscar worthy performances for the cameras - but it's working. Ransom is the one that people mainly come to and want to see. Women thirst over him (I've seen the Tik Toks), little kids are in awe. When he lays on the charm he does it good. Just yesterday after practice I watched him with some fans and was almost convinced as to why women see him like they do.

Then I remembered I see a different side, and also that he treats these other women differently to how he does with me.

"I'm surprised that you can walk, perhaps I didn't go hard enough". He says as he puts some things into his backpack.

"Believe me, you went hard".

My pussy is screaming right now, although I'm not about to admit that to him. It's a no strings attached deal. No feelings involved, nothing. Although sometimes with Ransom it's hard to tell, especially with him telling me that first time that he couldn't get enough...

You can't get attached. You shouldn't. This is Ransom Drysdale - if it were real then it would be a match made in hell. The only thing he needs you for is to clean up his image and give him a good fuck.

Still benefits me though. Besides, I'm now literally 'taking one for the team'. I back out of this shit because of mixed feelings then dad's gonna be pissed and within a week I can garuntee that Ransom will have done something to jeopardise his seat.

He swings his backpack onto his shoulder and looks at me, "ready?"

"I should be the one asking you that". I say, gathering my own things. "I don't envy you driving in this heat".

"Could be worse". He shrugs it off in his usual fashion. "Anyway we should get going".

He wants to be there, at the track and to just get the show on the road. I can tell from the way he is. I also wonder whether he gets nervous before a race. Clearly not if my mouth is around his dick, which it has been for the last couple of races - but I still think about it.

You shouldn't be thinking of him at all outside of the races - only when you're in 'girlfriend' mode.

We head out to where a car is waiting for us. He gives a couple of fans a quick wave but we can't stop because of the time. He'll sign a few things and take pictures once we're at the track.

I text dad to let him know we're on our way and spend the rest of the drive mainly making small talk with Marta as she goes through a few things.

"So there's obviously the after party tonight..." she states as Ransom's head whips up.

"No. No way, I don't go to those kinda things - never have, never will". He states, eyes narrowing.

She just looks innocently at him. "Well, if you don't wanna keep that image of yours golden..."

"Fuck sake". He mutters into the screen of his phone. "What if I pull a DNF? I'm not gonna wanna go to some stupid party after that".

"Don't jinx it idiot". I throw him a look. If he pulls anything like that on purpose or it actually does happen then Dad's gonna be in a great mood. "Remember you're on ice with dad anyway".

He glares at me and then does the same to Marta. "Just tell me what fucking time - if I win".

"You will win, you've come first in every bloody race since the season started - and even before that". I roll my eyes. "Just suck it up".

"Funny how I told you that exact same thing this morning". He now smirks at me, and I instantly mouth 'shut up' to him while Marta looks his way, confused. "Anyway, I need my head in the race - not thinking about what I'm gonna be doing after it".

Marta sighs. "Well, we'll see how this one goes - would that make you happy?"

"Fine". Is all he says and she continues on about the drivers conference, what time the flights back to the UK are leaving tomorrow morning. Blah, blah, blah. I end up zoning out and am thankful when we finally arrive.

Ransom stops and signs a few things and then makes his way to his room while I'm about to go to the pit, but a voice from the direction of catering stops me.


I know that Australian accent anywhere, because it belongs to my mum.

She's sat with my dad and a couple of the engineers waving at me and I grin. I miss her while we're away. She does try to come to races when she can. But when she does? She stops traffic. They call her the First Lady of F1 because back when she met my dad, she was a model. They were the talk of every race (history seems to be repeating itself, minus the model part) and still are when she does show up. Even now it's like she's barely aged. I hope I've snatched those genes from her, certainly didn't get the model material ones even though she tells me otherwise. I guess I just don't see what she does.

"Hi mum".  I grin and hug her as she now takes me in.

"Have you been eating properly? Guy, I told you to keep an eye on her?" She looks to my dad with a worried expression.

Dad just waves it off. "She's fine Madeline, leave her alone".

"And yes I have - in answer to your question". I tell her and she grabs a chair so I can sit down.

"Where's Ransom?" Dad asks, turning his attention to me.

I jerk my head towards the driver rooms. "Gearing up to hopefully secure us another win. Oooh, let me get a picture of you and mum". I say, spying the Netflix cameras filming us out of the corner of my eye. I snap a couple and check them. "That's one for the Vipera instagram".

"We've got the sponsor coming today". Dad says.

The top guy never comes, he just sends a couple of associates in his place. In a way I'm kind of glad. I have my own reasons for not wanting to see him.

"Oh really?" I ask. "I thought they were only coming to Monaco?"

Dad shakes his head. "They've got other business here this weekend aside from providing their services to us, so they decided to come watch. Better tell Ransom to drive a bit faster". He smirks.

I nod. "Sure, anyway I'm gonna go see what he's doing - is Sammy here?"

"He was waiting for you guys, see you in the pit". Dad says as I tell him and mum that I'll see them later.

As I walk down the steps I note a few men walking towards hospitality and stop in my tracks - seeing the one person who I didn't want to.

The top guy. Also known as Lloyd Hansen - Ari's stepbrother...

My feet take me in the direction of Ransom's driver room in a panic, and by the time I get there, I'm shaking.

Off Track (Ransom Drysdale AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now