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Sutton bursts into my room looking pale, and immediately I look up, wondering what the hell is happening. I've never seen her like this, not even back when she was with Ari. "Sutt? You ok?"

Stupid question.

"Lloyd's here..." is all she manages to get out.

I blink. No, that can't be right? "Wait...Ari's Lloyd?". I ask knowing that there's only one Lloyd that we both know of.

Her face is grave as she nods and sits down next to me. "I know he's our sponsor, but he never comes to stuff like this. He and Ari never got along as you know".

Oh I know alright, Ari used to bitch about Lloyd a hell of a lot. The pair were even arguing over the phone the day he died...

Of course, Lloyd wasn't to blame for what happened that day, but it makes me wonder if he feels guilty for his brother dying on an argument.

"So why is he here?"

"He provides our security and sponsors us obviously. Dad said they were here on business this weekend and they decided to come. Seems he wanted to as well. Geez, I hate him. He didn't even turn up to his own step brother's funeral, let alone any of his races".

I nod. "It's a dick move, and don't think I'm trying to defend him, but he might have wanted to grieve in his own way?"

Sutton snorts at this. "I don't even think he's capable of that. He's probably here just to see whether his deal is worthwhile".

"Did your dad not think to tell you that it was a possibility that he'd turn up to a race or two?" I frown. If she knew that Hansen Security were sponsoring us then surely she'd have thought this might happen?

She shakes her head. "No. Because he never comes to them. He always sends a couple of associates that are executives or some shit like that".

I sit back and think. "Steer clear of him as much as you can then".

"Easier said than done - he's probably gonna be watching on the monitors, headset and everything".

"So stay outta the pit. Hide out in here and..."

"I have a job to do". She half laughs at my suggestion. "I can't just drop everything and hide. I didn't when Ari died and I refuse to do so just because that shit head is here".

I don't say anything. She's a far better person than I am.

"Well, you tell me what I need to do - if anything, and I'll do it".

She looks at me seriously. "Go out there, and just fucking drive. But don't be too much of a dick about it that you get yourself a penalty".

Or die.

I throw my hands up. "Well I can't always promise that". Sometimes I've gotta take the risk. Usually it pays off but in the past it's cost me and the team.

"Well try and avoid it. You win and I'll get you out of that party tonight". She says, laying the cards out on the table as an offering.

Oh fuck yes.

"Deal". I say a little too quickly for my liking. "And my offer still stands. You need to keep away from Lloyd then this room is always free. You can just watch on the TV and hang out here until I'm done".

"Thanks". She smiles lightly, but I can still sense the mixture of anger and upset because of it.

Lloyd Hansen is well known, especially around the F1 circles. He provides the security for the teams, and also other celebrities and government officials. A business that he inherited so Ari once told me. It surprised me that Guy had even agreed to the sponsorship given the history between Lloyd and Sutton - well, only a brief one through Ari. Even then I've gotta admit it was a shit move on his part, but he did it for the team. It's business at the end of the day.

Sutton hasn't mentioned the argument, in fact I wonder whether she even knew. Knowing Ari? Probably not. He usually kept that kinda shit to himself until he felt it necessary to share. I only know about it because I heard him, and he had no choice but to tell me just what had been said.

"The dick isn't even making the effort to see mom on her birthday. She's treated him just as she treats me and that's what she gets?" Ari fumed, pushing his hair back and pacing the room. Not that there was much room to do so. "All he fucking cares about is himself and money - his dad was never like that".

I sat there and just nodded. "What's his excuse?"

"The usual work bullshit. Mom used to drop everything for us, and he can't even do that?" He sighed and shook his head. "Honestly, I'm glad we don't see him a lot, but stuff like this? Makes my blood boil".

"He ever even come to a race?"

Ari snorted. "What? Fuck no? He couldn't think of anything worse, supporting someone other than himself".

"Drink your Red Bull and just get that fucked out your head. We've got a race to win". I changed the subject.

"You're right. I was gonna go find Sutton but I'll do it later once we've wrapped up all the interviews and shit". He said and gave me a nod. "We need to make sure we get this race in the bag. Show those parents of yours what they're missing - plus my mom's gonna be watching so a first and second place would be ideal".

"We'd best not fuck it up then". I smirked.

Looking back at that last conversation? It was just foreshadowing what I didn't even know at the time. Not only did I have to watch my teammate die in front of me, but his mom and girlfriend also had to - along with everyone else.

"Did Ari ever mention the argument he had with Lloyd before the race that day?" I now ask and then wish I hadn't.

Sutton looks at me. "No? I didn't even know? Why? Did they?" I nod at this. "Did he tell you what it was about?" She presses.

I scratch the back of my neck and then take my cap off to toy with it. "It was over Lloyd not being able to turn up for their mom's birthday. He was pissed to say the least. He said he'd find you after the race because he'd be calmer, but I wondered whether he'd mention it before. I only know because I overheard him and he told me about it".

She stares at a random spot on the wall. "That sounds about right. But no - he never found me or told me about it. This is the first I've even heard of it". There's a long pause before she speaks again. "There's no way I'm gonna be able to avoid him in the pit area - I guess we'll just have to see whether he'll bring up Ari or not if we cross paths".

I hope for her sake that he doesn't.

Off Track (Ransom Drysdale AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now