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As we pull up outside of Ransom's home, I note the car that's sitting outside - the occupants inside of it now getting out. The woman is wearing a pant suit whilst the man is just in jumper and jeans. They look like they don't go together at all - however I see Ransom now glare at them.

Oh crap. Is this who I think it could be?

"Hugh? Who's..."

"They would be my parents". He says, now thoroughly pissed off after what was a nice day. "It's fine, I'll get rid of them".

We get out and Ransom's parents watch as we walk towards them. "So you are alive then? Thank you for letting us know that you were back home". His mother now speaks, eyes then falling onto me. "And with your girlfriend? When were you planning on making the introductions".

"Well I was hoping never, but here we are". Ransom says casually. "Is that all you came to ask? When I was gonna introduce you to Sutton? Anyway I thought you two were getting a divorce?"

"We came because your grandfather asked. He wanted to see if you'd come home". His dad now states, "and no - your mom and I worked through our differences".

Ransom snorts. "I wouldn't cite fucking your twenty five year old secretary as grounds for working through your differences".

"Ransom please". His mother, whose name I still don't know, now rolls her eyes. "We just came to, well we've already said why we're here". She gets a little annoyed and now turns to me. "I'm Linda, and this is Richard".

"And now you're leaving". Ransom says, becoming more irritated. "You guys never gave a shit before about what I did, so why are you now?"

"Perhaps because you're still our son and despite what an asshole you can be? We still care". Richard replies. "Look, if your mom and I can make things work then can't you?"

"No". Comes the cold reply along with the stare to go with it. "Have you guys even watched any of my races?"

Silence. It says it all.

Ransom just scoffs. "If you cared you'd have made the effort to be at some, or at least call after them. I cut you all off for a reason, and to see if anyone would have cared. Only Harlan actually made a couple of calls to me and that was it - so remind me again how we could possibly make things work after years of no contact?"

Richard goes to open his mouth but closes it again.

"I proved you all wrong. I went and made something of myself. People know my name, I've got trophies to prove my success. I have Sutton as that too". He pulls me closer to him. "And the rest of you? You're all still raking in the spoils of Harlan's fortune. I'm surprised he hasn't cut you all out yet". He half laughs and then sees their faces. "Waaaaait...has he?"

Linda sighs. "Your grandfather has recently told us that all of us are not receiving a dime. Why? I don't know, he's probably going senile but..."

"Did you come here to ask for money?" Ransom frowns but even I know this is the real reason.

"Well obviously we wouldn't ask for that - the estate business is still successful but..." Linda laughs nervously as she trails off.

Ransom shrugs. "So you have nothing to worry about then".

"No, but your cousins, they have their tuition fees and..."

"No". Is all Ransom says. "Clearly Harlan's opened his eyes and is doing something right for once".

"But aren't you bothered that you've been cut too?" Richard asks.

Ransom moves past them and pulls me up the path. "Nope, because I have my own money in a career that I worked for".

"Which would never have happened if Harlan hadn't backed you with his money". Linda points out. "Technically he made you".

"No mom - I did. Harlan wasn't the one on the drivers seat and standing on podiums every weekend. That was all me, and. Ow I have my own money and career to be more than comfortable until I die - but if you're wanting money from me? Of the rest of the family is? It's still no. We're done". He says, opening the door and pulling me inside, then slamming it shut. "So... that was my parents. Now you can see why I don't keep in touch".

I shrug off my jacket, looking out and seeing Linda and Richard now driving away. "Are you ok?"

He's looking out of the window but still glaring. "Yeah. I'll be ok. Might be pissed off for the rest of the evening but yeah..."

I snake my arms around his neck and kiss him gently. "Don't let it get you down you. You can bitch about them in therapy - but think about that little boy earlier. We're working to get you back on the track and to win. However long it takes. Don't just rush into it..."

"I know, but I wanna be back out there".

"And you will, but you need to be in the right position mentally before it can happen - otherwise you know what could happen".

He sighs. "Yeah I know, but my personal goal is to be back next season. If I promise not to push myself then could we at least aim for that?".
I nod, seeing him filled once again with determination - the same kind that he came to Vipera with. "I may not be able to change for everyone Sutt, but for you? Now I'm starting to think that I can".

"I don't want you to change Hugh. I want you just the way you are - but obviously in a better headspace". I half laugh as he brings a kiss to my lips.

"As long I have you with me, then it's all I need.

Off Track (Ransom Drysdale AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now