twenty seven

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Chapter 27 ~ where's my love

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Chapter 27 ~ where's my love

Philomena was overthinking as was not unusual for the girl, her head spinning with thoughts of the strange encounter the evening before. She sighed and pulled a familiar green cloth bound book towards her.

Running her fingers across the golden vines of ivy that climbed its spine her eyes scanned the title once more: 'Peter Pan: A tale of his adventures in neverland'

From snippets she had managed to coax out of Harry she wasn't sure if she truly did want to learn the extent of her father's past. Though she supposed her opinion of her father didn't matter so much now that he and her mother wanted nothing to do with her. She chewed at her lip as she cracked open the spine.

From an outsiders perspective the array of emotions that took over Phinas face as she flipped from page to page, eyes dancing across the them, would be a very amusing spectacle to watch.

Phina however was not amused by how much her father had not told her about his past. From the lost boys to a little fairy called tinkerbell, Phina had not heard her father utter a word about any of it. Sure she knew about neverland and he'd told her snippets of his adventures but he had left large and very important parts of information out of his stories. He could fly for gods sake! didn't he think she deserved to know that?

She wondered if she could too. Perhaps that is what makes her so good at ballet. As she reads further she discovers that it is not an innate magical ability that makes him able to fly. The book states it is a combination of pixie dust and belief in magic. Well she certainly believes in magic, having witnessed it firsthand on multiple occasions. The problem, she supposed if she did want to be able to fly like her father, was where on earth would one find pixie dust?

She caught herself yawning as she squinted at the words that slowly became harder and harder to read. Shutting the book with a frustrated snap she stuffs it into her bag and gets up to leave the library.

It was mid evening and not many students were around as she left. Auradon preps corridors were dimly lit. Philomena's mind drifted to the book and her father. Tried to think of anything from her childhood that could give her clues as to where she could get pixie dust. From the sound of the book tinker bell was loyal to her father and she certainly did not want him involved in all of this. Maybe she could buy some somewhere? maybe someone on the isle would have some? she would have to ask Harry. nodding her head as if to solidify the idea  her satisfied smile slipped off of her face as she remembered her and Harry weren't on the best of terms.

She hadn't realised how much she missed him. How she'd turn to say something to him but he wouldn't be there as he always was. How she certainly laughed a lot less when she wasn't in his company. Sure Carlos and Uma made her laugh and Evie and Mal made her giggle uncontrollably but Harry was different. He instilled a sort of lightness in her where she didn't think about anything but him and the witty things he said when they were together. Sometimes, despite his dark brooding exterior he was like the sun personified and she felt like the moon drawn to his warmth and light yet doomed to never truly be together.

Maybe she should make things right again. Apologise for what she had said in hopes that he would return the favour and everything would be right in the world. But that probably wouldn't stay the case for long as there was always some sort of divine intervention destined to pull them apart. Put it couldn't hurt to try could it? Maybe-

And then Phina is falling, bag clattering to the floor and its contents skittering across the corridor. She's not quite sure what tripped her as she falls to her hands and knees but then someone's at her side helping her up with gentle strong hands. She looks to her left to see Harry who's looking at her with gentle concern. And then he turns his gaze to someone in front of them.

"What the fuck? you tripped her"

when she's on her feet Phina looks forward to see who he's practically growling at and Jack is there with guilt written all across his face.

"i didn't see her!" he exclaims "oh my god i'm so sorry Phia"

The new found nickname does nothing to ease Harry's anger and now he's looks like he's about to strangle the blonde who is still apologising.

"it's Philomena" Harry states plainly and Jacks eye twitches as he looks at him.

"It's fine he didn't mean it" She says in a desperate hope to ease the tension.

Harry looks at her properly then, eyes darting across her face then to her knee which is starting to sting.

"He tripped you and now you're bleeding because of him the bastard" His voice in nowhere near as harsh as when he spoke to Jack but his tone is still stern.

"It's fine let's just go" She takes Harry's hand and leads him away. It is only when she reaches the door that she realises she's brought him to her dorm. She can't back out now though, so she pushes the door open and scans the room for any sign of Uma who is not there.

"sit" She hears a voice from behind her and then Harry is guiding her to the bed.

She doesn't think, so she does as she's told.

He vanishes then into the bathroom and returns with the first aid kid. She opens her mouth to tell him she's fine and he's being dramatic but the look in his eye as he approaches stops her. He looks... worried and she's not sure why that sends a swarm of butterflies straight to her stomach.

He kneels in front of her and takes her the underside of her knee on his hand. His fingers are warm and Phina feels a rush of affection despite the stinging pain.

"it's nothing" she protests weakly, but Harrys already shaking his head rummaging around the first aid kit and taking out the things he needs.

He begins to carefully clean the wound. His touch tender and meticulous.

"Thankyou"  Phina says, her voice barely above a whisper. She feels blush creep up her cheeks from the closeness of him, the way his eyes met hers with such intensity.  A small smile plays at the corner of his lips.

She winces as he applies some sort of disinfectant that reminds her of her childhood when her mother would clean her cuts and scrapes after long hours playing in the garden with her father. She almost feels sad at the reminder of such a distinct memory but she winces again and Harry looks up with those kohl lined watercolor eyes.

"sorry" he murmurs "almost done"

Phinas heart swells as she watches him finish, his focus unwavering. When he finishes he runs gentle fingers over the bandaid and continues the trail down to her ankle which he uses to softly guide her foot back to the floor.

"All better?" he asks tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

"yeah" she says and her voice is embarrassingly breathless. He nods as if he knew that already.

His hand is back on her knee, his thumb brushing over the bandaid "If he says anything to you or even comes near you again you come straight to me alright?"

"Yeah i- he spoke to me last night. He came into the studio when i was practicing ballet" at this Harrys brows draw in confusion as if he's trying to figure something out. "i just assumed he was lost. Harry i don't think he meant it he seemed nice enough despite his reputation"

"He's not Philomena you need to be careful. You trust people too easily and see the best in people who might not deserve it. And it is a good thing believe me, you wouldn't have given me a chance in the seven hells otherwise but not everyone would rather die than hurt you like me"

She wonders if he means to take her breath away every time he talks.

"i just-" he stops "just be careful okay? for me?"

She can't find it in herself to say anything other than "okay"

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