thirty three

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Chapter 33 ~ She

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Chapter 33 ~ She

The events of the past few days had caused her to forget the presentation she and Harry had to do for History of Auradon class until she'd been walking (limping because of her stupid ankle) to class with Jane who had asked if she's nervous to present her project to which she had just stared blankly at the poor girl.

She had uttered a quick goodbye and fled (as best as she could) back to her dorm to retrieve her and Harry's folder of work. The dorm was empty since Uma had gone back to the isle the day before to stay with her Mom for a few days.

The morning sun bathed Auradon Prep in a warm, golden light, casting long shadows across the well maintained lawns as she walked back the way she had came some ten minutes earlier. Birds chirped cheerfully, and a gentle breeze carried the scent of fresh flowers through the air she smiled at the simplicity of her days at Auradon deciding she definitely made the right choice disobeying her parents wishes for her not to return, even if it meant missing them terribly and not being able to do anything about it.

Harry saw her then, her Golden hair swishing behind her as she held their folder, a proud smile on her face.

She made her way across the campus, weaving through groups of students who greeted her with friendly waves.

She spotted Harry Hook leaning against the wall, his ever-present smirk firmly in place as he looked at her approaching. He twirled his hook absentmindedly, his other hand tucked in his jacket pocket.

"Good morning, Harry!" Phina called out cheerfully as she reached him.

Harry looked up, his eyes brightening at the sight of her. "Morning, love. Ready to present our masterpiece?"

Phina nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely! I can't wait to see Fairy Godmother's reaction."

They walked together through the grand entrance, their footsteps echoing in the marbled hallway. As they neared the history classroom, Harry glanced sideways at Phina, noting her infectious excitement. Despite himself, he felt a surge of pride for the work they had done together.

Inside the classroom, students were already settling into their seats. Fairy Godmother stood at the front, organizing her notes and chatting with a few early arrivals. She looked up as Phina and Harry entered, a warm smile spreading across her face.

"Good morning, Miss Pan, Mr Hook" she greeted them. "Are you ready to present your project?"

"We are," Phina replied with a confident nod despite the shaky breath she let out that went unnoticed by all except Harry who took her hand and swiped his thumb across her knuckles back and forth.

They took their seats, and as the bell rang, signaling the start of class, Fairy Godmother called for attention. "Today, we'll begin with presentations on the formation of Auradon. Phina and Harry, would you like to start?"

PAN ~ Harry Hook Where stories live. Discover now