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Chapter 41 ~ Hometown glory

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Chapter 41 ~ Hometown glory

A tall, imposing figure with a hook for a hand stands in the hall, Phina watches him curiously through a half lidded blurry gaze, it takes all her will to not close her eyes for Harry. She does not have the strength to feel afraid of this man. She doesn't even make the connection that it is Harry's father.

Harry watches his father. His face is stern, weathered by years at sea, but there is a flicker of concern in his eyes as he takes in the sight of his son and the girl in his arms.

"Harry?" James Hook's voice is gruff, but not unkind. His gaze shifts to Phina "What's going on? Who's this?"

Harry steps forward "Dad, this is Phina. I- I need your help. It's... complicated."

James Hook's brow furrows as he takes a closer look at Phina, noticing the now purpling marks on her wrist and the way she trembles despite Harry's comforting presence. Without a word, he steps aside, allowing them to enter.

The inside of the house is surprisingly warm, the walls lined with nautical maps and mementos from Hook's days as a pirate. A fire crackles in the hearth, casting flickering shadows across the room. Phina shivers as the warmth seeps into her bones, and suddenly she's fighting ten times harder to stay awake.

"Sit her down," Hook instructs, nodding toward a worn leather armchair near the fire. "She looks like she's been through hell."

Harry places Phina in the chair with a gentleness that makes James Hook raise his eyebrows. He watches his son kneel beside her, eyes never leaving her face, worry etched into every line.

Hook watches them for a moment longer before crossing the room to a cabinet, where he pulls out a bottle of rum and a small tin of herbs.

As he begins to prepare a poultice, he speaks without looking up. "Start from the beginning, Harry. What happened?"

Harry hesitates, glancing at Phina to make sure she is comfortable before he begins. "It's this boy called Jack. Queen of hearts's son" he clarifies "He... he took Phina. I don't know why or how, but she wasn't where we arranged to meet back at school which isn't like her at all" His voice cracks with emotion as he tells his father "I- i was looking for hours dad"

Harry's voice falters, anger and fear mingling in his expression. Hook's eyes darken, but he doesn't
interrupt. Instead, he nods for Harry to continue.

"He took her to an old ship near the docks," Harry went on, his voice tight with emotion. "I found her just in time, but it was close. Too close."

Hook curses under his breath, his jaw tightening as he finishes mixing the herbs into a paste. He turnz back to them, his expression hard. "Jack's always been trouble, but this... this is crossing a line."

Harry doesn't question how his father knows who jack is, thought too far away to notice.

James approaches Phina with the poultice, his movements surprisingly gentle as he kneels down beside her. "This will help with the bruising," he says quietly, his voice softening as he meets her eyes. "You're safe here, lass."

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