thirty two

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Chapter 32 ~ Lovers rock

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Chapter 32 ~ Lovers rock

She is up and ready early the next morning, having been woken up in the night by the pain in her ankle. She had tried to lie there a while staring up at the ceiling for what felt like decades but eventually gave up and decided it was best just to read for a bit and then get ready for her day to pass the time.

She wears her favourite sage green summer dress and ties her hair back with a matching ribbon since it seems to be sunny outside.

The mornings light filters through the dorm window casting a warm glow over the room as she sits on her bed, adjusting the crutches beside her and checking her phone every once in a while as she waits patiently for Uma to wake up.

A gentle knock on the door startles her and then Harry steps in. There's a softness in his expression as he approaches her

"Morning, love. Ready for breakfast?" he says softly glancing at Uma as if he's afraid she might wake up. Phina has bore witness to Uma being woken up and it is not something you want to be caught up in. She imagines Harry has had the misfortune of finding that out for himself.

Phina smiles and nods "As ready as I'll ever be. Thanks for coming to get me, Harry" her tone is equally as quiet.

He grins, which he realises is something he does a lot around the girl "Anything for you, lass. Here, let me help"

He gently helps her to her feet, ensuring she's steady on her crutches before they make their way down the corridor.

The halls of Auradon Prep are starting to buzz with activity as students begin their day. She receives some questioning looks at her crutches and the way Harry is basically coddling her as she walks down the corridor but she pays them no mind, instead her efforts go to concentrating on not falling flat on her face, though she's sure Harry wouldn't let her get too far.

As they reach the dining hall, the aroma of breakfast fills the air. Phina visibly perks up at the thought of breakfast, especially pancakes and croissants, and Harry does not miss it.

"Hungry, are we?" he teases

She laughs "Starving, actually."

They enter the dining hall, which is bustling with students chatting and enjoying their meals. In the center of the room, a large table is occupied by Mal, Ben, Evie, Carlos, Jane, and Doug. Spotting Phina and Harry, Evie waves them over enthusiastically.

Harry guides Phina to the table, where the others make space for her to sit comfortably. Harry pulls out a chair for her, and she sits down gratefully, resting her crutches beside her.

Ben smiles at her from across the table "Good to see you, Phina. How's the ankle?"

"Getting better, thanks. The nurse says I just need to rest it for a few days" She replies.

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